The Open Space Department budgets $1.2 million each year for local grants plus an amount of the lottery funds that come to Jefferson County. This year the County Commissioners authorized OSAC to distribute $450 thousand of the County’s share of the lottery funds.
On December 4th, 2 cities, 5 districts, and 3 non-profits presented their requests for Grants to OSAC. OSAC and JCOS staff reviewed the grants and on January 8th OSAC approved Grants totaling $1,750,030. Funds for the awards over and above the amount available this year are coming from Grant funds that were not expended in previous years.
The preliminary grants as approved by OSAC are listed below. The County Commissioners will consider the Grants at a meeting early in February and make the official awards.
Arvada – $140,000 for improving the Van Bibber trail as it passes through the Stenger-Lutz athletic fields along 58th Avenue, west of Kipling.
Lakewood – $435,000 for the first phase of redeveloping Carmody Park, south of Jewell along Old Kipling.
Evergreen P&R – $40,000 to cost share with CDOT on replacing the bridge over Bear Creek into Evergreen Lake Park.
Foothills P&R – $1,000,000 to replace the irrigation system at Clement Park and begin a major renovation of some of the facilities at the park. (Note that Open Space developed this park 30 years ago, before leasing it to Foothills.)
Ken-Caryl Metro – $54,280 for installation of a playground and paths at the Community Center in the Hogback Valley.
Normandy Estates Metro – $8,750 for repairs to the tennis courts and seating for the courts and an adjacent playground off Coal Mine west of Sheridan.
Beaver Ranch – $20,000 for a master plan for the ultimate development of Beaver Ranch Park southwest of Conifer.
Evergreen Audubon – $11,000 for exhibit signage and landscaping modifications at the shelter at Evergreen Lake, which is used as a nature center in the summers.
Prospect P&R – $15,750 for outdoor fitness stations at Applewood Park, on 18th West of Youngfield.
Friends of Dinosaur Ridge – $6,000 for an entry sign on the west side of Dinosaur Ridge.
Read more in the February 2015 OSAC Notes.