Crown Hill Park Final Plan for Current Project

Based on an abundance of information gathered through an extensive public involvement process, Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) has determined a final course of action for the current capital project at Crown Hill Park. This decision comes after thousands of citizens provided their input and ideas in a survey, community meetings and on site visits with JCOS staff. There was a broad range of thinking among community members with respect to the capital projects we were considering. In some cases, such as nature play areas, public desires were clear. In others, such as a shade structure and replacement of fitness equipment there was a lack of consensus among citizens. JCOS has taken all of this information into account and made a decision that honors goals for the Park as well as the common interest of citizens to keep the area as natural as possible. This current course of action does not preclude the addition of a shade trellis or fitness areas in the future based on community interest and need. Crown Hill Park Final Plan JCOS will Implement all ‘Givens’ discussed during the public involvement process. These include replacing the restroom, park information center (kiosk), adding three accessible and staff parking spaces and removal of all fitness stations. Please see map on reverse for locations. Fitness Equipment – The existing equipment, that has reached its useful life and has deteriorated to sub standard levels, will be removed and will not be replaced. The concrete pads at the eight fitness station locations indicated on the map on the reverse will be removed, regraded and reseeded with natural grasses. This is in keeping with a strong citizen sentiment to keep the Park natural and our goal to preserve the views of the lake, Park and mountains. This work will be completed by June 30, 2013. Tree Plantings – A larger water tap, from a 1” to 1.5”, will be purchased to support the new restroom needs and allow trees to be planted and irrigated in the one-acre area around the restrooms. Trees that need to be removed for construction or because they are invasive species such as Russian Olives will be replaced on a one-to-one basis in this area. Shade Structure – A shade structure will not be added at this time. In order to accommodate nature education programs that were found to be more desirable than nature play, a small area north of the restrooms will be graded to create a flat surface to set up portable tents. This area could accommodate a shade trellis in the future. The necessary irrigation lines to water future tree plantings in this area will also be added to this area. This is within the one-acre area that JCOS could irrigate if the larger water tap is purchased. With the removal of fitness equipment and concrete pads anticipated by the end of June, all other work on the givens and plantings will start in late August and be completed by late fall. The Crown Hill Park Project Final Plan Map is attached.

Work Scheduled to Begin on Apex Trailhead

From: apexpark []
Sent: Saturday, 10 August, 2013 4:08 PM
Subject: Work scheduled to begin on Apex Trailhead

I’m pleased to say that we are going to start work on the Apex Trailhead project on Monday, August 12.  In review, this project will establish formal trailhead amenities and improve grading at Apex Park.  This work will focus on the park’s lower trailhead, near Heritage Square and will include construction of a new permanent flush restroom, accessible parking, a park information kiosk, drinking water for people and pets, a concrete extension to the Kinney Run Trail and a formalized parking entrance.   For more information see-     (You will see a link for Final Recommendations listed at the top.)

The first step in the process will be to close the current trailhead and parking area, but visitors will still be able to park and access the trail from the upper parking area at Heritage square.  Signs and directions will be provided on site to aid in this process.  On Monday, our Natural Resource Management staff will begin to remove some nonnative Siberian elm trees and vegetation in the construction area. Other construction efforts related to erosion control, new trail construction, restrooms, and parking lot will follow.

Thanks again to all of you for your interest in this project and Apex Park.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Tim Sandsmark, Lookout Region Parks Supervisor, Open Space


Protester Defies Lawsuit Threat From Developer Near Rocky Flats

Looks like we’ve got a David and Goliath scenario brewing up at the Rocky Flats/Candelas area in north Jeffco…read more about it here: “Protester defies lawsuit threat from development near Rocky Flats”

Open Space Draft Master Plan Available for Review

..and you’ll want to take a look at it!  Things have changed: the leadership of Open Space has changed, and the emphasis of Open Space management seems to be changing, as manifested in the draft of the new Open Space Master Plan. You’re going to want to take a look and see for yourself what I’m talking about.

The traditional 30-day period for public review has been shortened to three weeks…the draft of the Master Plan appeared on the Jeffco Open Space website (oops, pardon me, the Jeffco PARKS website) just today, and public comment is due on the 31st of August. So hurry!

I was going to suggest that you compare the new draft ( to the existing Master Plan from 2008, but it appears that the current Master Plan, which technically is still in force, has been taken offline! We’ll try to post a copy of the 2008 Open Space Master Plan on this website as soon as possible.

In the meantime, start acquainting yourself with the new draft, and when you’re ready, send your comments to Thea Rock,