Mountain Area Land Trust Newsletter – Fall 2014
Click on this link to read the full newsletter in your web browser.
Click on this link to read the full newsletter in your web browser.
Please feel free to invite friends and supporters. A $15 donation is suggested, or purchase a calendar (which is $15).
RSVP by Monday, October 27th and please include the number and name of your guests. RSVP to:
Claire Riegelman
Executive Director
Clear Creek Land Conservancy
Jeffco Open Space to Hold Follow-Up ‘Trails Talk’ Forum
Jeffco Open Space is hosting a second Trails Talk public forum this year to continue the dialog on experiences in the parks and on the trails. Come to listen, join the conversation, or sign up to put boots on the ground.
This event will be held on Wednesday, October 29, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., at the American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St, Golden, CO 80401 in the first floor conference rooms.
In addition to talk of flood recovery, Jeffco Open Space will provide an update on new trails, the status of working groups, and volunteer involvement opportunities. Following a presentation, staff experts will be available for one-on-one questions on a variety of topics.
Jeffco Open Space was founded as a land conservation organization in 1972 to preserve land, protect park and natural resources and provide healthy nature-based experiences. We are funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax that has preserved over 53,000 acres and created 28 regional parks and 230 miles of trails in Jefferson County.
For more information contact Thea Rock, Jeffco Open Space
Jeffco Open Space and The Access Fund will celebrate the ownership transfer of the Golden Cliffs rock-climbing area at North Table Mountain Park on Friday, Oct. 24, from 3-4 p.m., at the Peery Trailhead on the south portion of the mesa. Representatives from Jeffco Open Space, The Access Fund, and the climbing community will be present at the celebration; the general public is invited to participate. Light refreshments will be served.
Read the full story at–24/
Golden Cliffs has been a popular destination with many established sport- and traditional-climbing routes. Jeffco Open Space adds this location to its inventory of climbing venues — Cathedral Spires, Clear Creek Canyon and Mt. Lindo. For more information on climbing, please visit the climbing page on our website at
Deal will add to water supply but inundate 10% state park…by Bruce Finley, The Denver Post
Federal water engineers on Thursday launched the long-planned and controversial Chatfield Reservoir water supply project, closing a deal with Colorado sponsors.
Audubon Society opponents filed a lawsuit…
If you’ve been following the Army Corp of Engineers’ proposal to heighten the dam at Chatfield, and you missed this article in the Denver and the West section, first page, I hate to break the news to you, but the project has been green-lighted, according to the Denver Post on Friday, October 10th.
The Chatfield Reservoir was initially constructed in 1975 for flood control. Supporters of this project claim that the Denver area will require additional water reserves in order to deal with an estimated population of 8.6 – 10.3 million residents by 2050. By reallocating these waters for residential, industrial and agricultural uses and increasing the holding capacity of the Reservoir, Denver water engineers hope to avoid having to siphon water from the Western Slope.
Conservation groups have fought long and hard to halt this project, citing the impending loss of bird, wildlife and recreational habitat due to the 12-foot projected rise in water level, and the eventual lack of snow melt to fill the larger reservoir. The Audubon Society of Greater Denver filed suit last week in U.S. District Court, arguing that federal authorities dismissed better alternatives without appropriate due diligence, and cited the Clean Water Act, which allows only the least-damaging alternative solution.
For the full story go to
Read the full letter of invitation here: Doug Mtn letter – final_invitation to public comment mtg
The Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) approved National Agency Accreditation for Jeffco Open Space and Parks, recognizing their commitment to excellence. The accreditation process is a comprehensive self-evaluation and peer review of business practices that take place in three phases: the development of the agency self-assessment report submitted in April, the on-site visitation held in July and the Commission’s review and decision held today, October 13, 2014.
Read the full press release at
From: Thea Rock, JCOS Communications Manager,
Friday, October 03, 2014
Trail Completed from Reynolds Park to South Platte
North Fork Trail Ready for Hiking, Mountain Biking and Horseback Riding
Beginning Saturday, October 11, 2014 outdoor enthusiasts will be able to challenge themselves and enjoy a new 9.3-mile trail from Reynolds Park to the South Platte in Jefferson County.
The North Fork Trail provides a regional connection from Jeffco Open Space to the abundant recreation opportunities of the Pike National Forest. …
In 2004, Reynolds Park was designated for equestrian and hiking opportunities to maintain the Park’s relative serenity, current visitation and intact natural values. With the designation, a commitment to construct a multiuse trail to the south was leveraged….
Learn more about Reynolds Park and the North Fork Trail by visiting the website or view the updated Park map here.