Tuesday Birder Group Visits Bear Creek Lake Park

Tuesday Birders, led by Ann Bonnell, Dave Hill, and Phil Gerkin, visited Bear Creek Lake Park, a City of Lakewood Park, on March 31st for a four-hour walk amidst 58° – 75° weather to record bird species and numbers.

The following is their report:

Leader(s): Ann Bonnell, Dave Hill, Phil Gerkin

Observers: 30 (three groups)

Time: 0845-1300

Distance: 7.25 miles walked (combined)

Habitat: Reservoir, riparian, cottonwood, willow, cattails, open fields.

Elevation: 5800’

Weather: Mostly sunny, 58-75 degrees F, wind SE 0-5 mph.

Totals: 32 species, 217 individuals.


Species Name Count
Canada Goose 43
Gadwall 2
Mallard 18
Common Goldeneye 10
Western Grebe 1
Great Blue Heron 6
Cooper’s Hawk 2
Bald Eagle 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
American Coot 1
Killdeer 3
Ring-billed Gull 2
Rock Pigeon (feral pigeon) 10
Eurasian Collared-Dove 4
Mourning Dove 1
Great Horned Owl 3
Belted Kingfisher 2
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 8
American Kestrel 2
Black-billed Magpie 24
American Crow 1
Common Raven 1
Black-capped Chickadee 7
American Robin 24
European Starling 2
Spotted Towhee 2
Song Sparrow 6
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Red-winged Blackbird 7
Western Meadowlark 17
House Finch 2

Copyright © 2015 Ann Bonnell

Save The Date, 2015 Annual Dinner

PLAN Jeffco logo

Celebrating Land Trusts


Clear Creek Land Conservancy

Colorado Open Lands

Mountain Area Land Trust

2015 Annual Dinner

Meet and chat with the county commissioners


Monday, Sept. 21, 2015

The Vista at Applewood Golf Course, Golden

5:30 p.m. ­­‑ cocktail social hour

Registration opens in July at www.planjeffco.org

HELP US STAY IN TOUCH: If you would like to be on our email reminder list for this and future events please contact: ContactUs@planjeffco.org

Download a PDF version of our PLAN Jeffco 2015 Annual Dinner SAVE THE DATE announcement here.

Jeffco Open Space 2014 Annual Report…

2014 Jeffco Open Space Annual Report


…is now available online. You can download a copy of Preservation in Progress 2014 from the JCOS website http://jeffco.us/open-space/reports/annual-report/ or you can read it online at www.issuu.com/jeffcoopenspace .

For additional information or questions, please contact Thea Rock, JCOS Manager of Communications, directly at trock@co.jefferson.co.us, D 303-271-5902, C 720-556-3354.


Open Space Parks – Seasonal Nesting Closures

Cathedral Spires OS park trailSeasonal closures will be implemented at Jeffco Open Space Parks on March 1 through July 31.  Parks where closures will take place are Crown Hill Park in the Wildlife Sanctuary, North Table Mountain Park along Rim Rock Trail, and Cathedral Spires Park climbing area. These annual seasonal closures allow wildlife to successfully nest, rear young, or survive a critical time in their lifecycles with minimal human disturbance.

In addition, four rock-climbing crags in Clear Creek Canyon Park are currently closed to protect nesting golden eagles. The areas known as Stumbling Block, Bumbling Block and Skinny Legs/Blonde Formation are all within one-quarter mile of an established nesting area with bolted climbing routes directly blow it. These crags are located west of Tunnel One in Clear Creek Canyon and will remain closed through mid-May.

Jeffco Open Space monitoring volunteers, natural resources staff and park rangers will monitor these sites and enforce the closures.  Help us protect the wildlife that make Jeffco Open Space Parks and Trails the extraordinary places that enrich our lives.

Clear Creek Canyon OS park rock-climbingFor questions or additional information, contact Jeff Golden, Communications Assistant, Jeffco Open Space:

303-271-5903 direct

720-556-3354 mobile