OSAC Meeting Notes, Sept 7, 2017


Open Space Administrative Office

700 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, CO

 September 7, 2017


3:45 p.m.       Committee to Meet at Open Space

Field Trip:  North Table Mountain Park – Rattlesnake Study, Mary Ann Bonnell


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  3. Approval of Minutes  –  Litz moved, West 2nd approved
  4. Additions to Agenda & Determination of Sequence
  5. General Public Comments  None
  6. Information Item

Ride-along Survey, Mary Ann Bonnell.  Is a ten question survey relating to the OSAC ride-along with park services staff.  Questions included:

  • Did it give you a better understanding of the park services duties
  • Did it give a better understanding of the park visitors
  • Did it give a better understanding of park operations
  • Rate the available trailhead services
  • Rate the quality of the trailhead services available
  • Rate the equipment available to park services staff
  • Rate the training of park services staff
  • Rate the number of staff available
  • Any recommendations
  1. Action Items

A. City of Wheat Ridge – Open Space Reverter JCOS17-04, Resolution #17-10, presented by Joy Lucisano

Subordinated the reverter on a portion of the Wheat Ridge Rec Center property to install a storm drainage line from a planned reconstruction of the gas station on the northwest corner of 38th and Kipling.  Litz moved, Murphy 2nd  passed

B. South Table Mountain Park, Public Service Company Agreement, JCOS16-29, Resolution #17-11, presented by Joy Lucisano

To purchase the power line corridor on the western top of South Table Mountain from Public Service.  Public Service will hold an easement for the power lines.  Corridor is 150 feet wide and totals about 14 acres.  Cost is $172,752.  Litz moved, Murphy 2nd  –  passed

  1. Director’s Report

Attached below

  1. Legal Counsel Report  – no report
  2. Open Space Advisory Committee Comments: Discussed the Sept 29 opening of the Big Easy portion of the Peaks to Plains Trail.  .  OSAC members to make their own arrangements.   no comments
  3. Adjournment   at 7:50 p.m.

Jeffco Open Space Advisory Committee, Regular Session – Directors Report

  1. Golden Giddyup Event and Stewardship

On August 19th, 67 volunteers worked at North Table Mountain, Apex and Windy Saddle Parks as part of a combined trail stewardship effort. The project was in partnership with the Giddyup Trail Team who sponsored this event and has donated 2,375 hours of volunteer trail time to our Parks! A special thank you to our Trails Team staff for making this event and our partnership with the Giddyup Trail Team a success. On September 10th, The Golden Giddyup ride/race will culminate in Lions Park to celebrate a year of great trail work and stewardship of JCOS Parks.

  1. PLAN Jeffco celebrated its 45 Anniversary

On August 29th, PLAN Jeffco celebrated its 45th Anniversary with a Summer Picnic in the Park at the Lookout Mountain Nature Center. The event was well received and thank you for those of you that could attend.

  1. Board of County Commissioners Update (included in your Dropbox)
    On August 29th, staff presentation to the BCC for the following:

A. GOCO and Colorado Youth Corps Association

Requested permission to apply for a grant to GOCO and Colorado Youth Corps Association for up to $72,000. The grant funding will support 8 weeks of youth corps crews to complete a variety of stewardship projects such as trail construction and maintenance, fence deconstruction and forest management.

B. Dinosaur Ridge Track Cover Project

Based on feedback received from both the Open Space Advisory Committee and the Board of County Commissioners, Friends of Dinosaur Ridge revised conceptual plans for the dinosaur track cover project. Design revisions include a non-reflective overhead structure composed of Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene with a uniform pattern designed to create minimal visual disturbance while allowing sunlight to illuminate the tracks below.

  1. Visit to Pitkin County

On September 5th, Scot Grossman and I meet with Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners and the Open Space and Trails Board to present our Peaks to Plains Trail project. We were invited to share our experiences so Pitkin County can use that information as they embark on a similar project – the 83-mile-long Carbondale to Crested Butte Trail.

  1. JCOS Staffing Change

Zhanna Yermakov resigned as JCOS Stewardship Manager. She accomplished many things during her tenure with us and her work to advance our mission to Preserve, Protect and Provide is greatly appreciated. Mary Ann Bonnell has been appointed as Interim Stewardship Manager.

  1. Edgewater Civic Center Ground Breaking Ceremony

On September 23rd at 10:00 a.m., the City of Edgewater has invited the Committee and other County officials to attend the Edgewater Civic Center Ground Breaking Ceremony. The new facility will be home to several City and County services. Please let Rosanna know if you plan to attend.

  1. Local Park & Recreation Grants



Note from your editor: Our Open Space Director and Staff have a lot going on. They work hard for the all of us and for the Open Space Parks, and too often, their efforts go unrecognized.  Every month, usually on the 4th Thursday evening, they meet with OSAC  — the Open Space Advisory Committee, a group of county residents, appointed by our Board of County Commissioners. It’s OSAC’s job to review and consult with Open Space staff regarding Park operations and initiatives, and to advise the BCC on such. Until I started regularly attending the OSAC meetings, I had no idea just how hard the Open Space staff works, or even what was going on in the Parks. I suspect that if you’re reading this posting, that you don’t, either. These notes, taken by PLAN Jeffco Board members during an OSAC meeting, is our attempt to help you understand what a valuable resource we have in our Open Space staff.