Peaks to Plains Trail Gateway Takes Shape

Can you recognize where you are? Look through the framing, do you recognize Castle Rock on South Table Open Space Park?

Construction on the Peaks to Plains Trail continues. This location is called the “Gateway Segment”, it’s just west of Golden. Eventually, you will be able to walk from the Library, the History Museum, or even the Golden Visitors Center, head west along the Clear Creek Trail, cross highway 93, and you’ll be on this portion of the Peaks to Plains Trail, inside the Clear Creek Canyon Open Space Park. The portions that are already open are stunning; we anticipate that this segment will be no less so.

Take 5 minutes and enjoy Scott Grossman as he describes the construction that’s happening at the Gateway Segment.

Miss Mountain Manners reminds you to stay safe during this time of COVID, and even when you’re in the Open Space Parks remember to wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from those who are not in your personal “bubble”. Follow Miss Mountain Manners at @MannersMountain

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco