PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy – It’s Here!

PJ Academy Fall 2022 banner imagePLAN Jeffco Academy Presents:  Stewardship of Open Lands

Join us for our full-day Stewardship Academy. Learn how open space conservation started in Jefferson County, why such lands are important, and increase your understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of open lands.

PLAN Jeffco was the driving force behind development of the outstanding Jefferson County Open Space Program that serves so many.  We want to help others to experience greater enjoyment and appreciation of open lands.

What will we talk about?

  • The role of PLAN Jeffco’s volunteers in the origination and development of the Jefferson County Open Space Park System has resulted in preservation of more than 56,000 acres of public land to date.
  • The history of land stewardship in Jefferson County.
  • The geological and ecological significance of our open lands.
  • Issues facing our ecosystems, especially along the Front Range, and how we can help address those issues.
  • Ensuring that open space parks are welcoming for all visitors.
  • How individual actions impact the land, other visitors, and maintenance needs and costs.
  • How you can help ensure that our open lands remain healthy into the future.

This full-day program is scheduled for Saturday, October 29th 9 am-4 pm
at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden, Colorado

There will be an optional Friday afternoon field project on October 28th for those who are interested in a hands-on field experience

$35 Enrollment fee* includes:

  • A full day of presentations by local experts in conservation, biodiversity, land management, and more.
  • An optional group stewardship project in one of the Jeffco Open Space Parks.
  • One-year full membership in PLAN Jeffco.
  • An intimate connection to the original founders of PLAN Jeffco and the Open Space program, as well as the opportunity to meet and greet the current PLAN Jeffco Board Members and possibly, become a Board Member yourself!

Enroll now. Download planned curriculum HERE.


Connect to PayPal to make your reservation,

or download this form, fill it out, and mail with your check for $35 to

PLAN Jeffco

11010 West 29th Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80215

Unsure about whether or not you want to participate in this Stewardship Academy? Not able to make it this time because of conflicts? No problem – sign up and we’ll keep you informed about future Academies as we roll them out.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

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*limited scholarship available upon request. Contact ac*****@pl********.org for more information.