Study Session
OSAC visited Van Bibber Park to observe the new trailhead and trail improvements.
Regular Meeting
Gina Barton presented Open Space’s thoughts on a schedule of fees for use of the parks. The objective is to create a five-tier schedule. For Community benefit activities there would be no charge; the less the Community benefit and the more the individual benefit the higher the charge. The maximum charge would be for a vendor selling something in the parks, museum, or Nature Center. The CSU extension and JCOS staff are now working on determining the cost of providing services to the upper four levels of activity.
OS staff are developing a program that would contain information regarding invasive species, forest fuels reduction, small acreage farming, water conservation, and more. They will make this available to the owners of 218,300 parcels in Jefferson County. The goal is to have it ready by the end of this year.
Gina Barton presented the proposed 2020 budget for approval. It was not changed from what was presented in July. OSAC approved.
Tom Hoby said that Bob West and Felicity Hannay will not be reapplying for OSAC; so there will be two vacancies to fill.
Mike Foster reported that 80 youth finished the Trails Stewardship Team program this summer, working for seven weeks, and maintaining about 80 miles of trail.
Gina Barton relayed that JCOS had applied for a $40,000 grant from GOCO to assist in completing the countywide trails plan.