Open Space Update 11/06/2020
Clear Creek Canyon Park – Gateway Segment
The south side trail in Clear Creek Park is starting to take shape! We’ve been able to take advantage of the warm weather and pour approximately 1,600 linear feet of the trail. This section connects into the new bridge, has great curves to it and will award visitors with fantastic views.
Mount Falcon – Morrison Trailhead Expansion
The temporary expansion lot at Mount Falcon East is coming along nicely. Road & Bridge was moving dirt at the end of October and is at finished grade. Construction is progressing on the expanded parking area. The asphalt millings, drainage features, and revegetation will be completed by the end of this week. Parking lot striping is scheduled for Sunday and the new lot is scheuled to open to the public early next week. Visitors have already been showing excitement for this temporary parking expansion and we are working hard to get it open next week. Thanks to everyone who had a part in this great achievement!
Clear Creek Canyon Park – Restroom Construction
Construction on the two restrooms continues to make great progress. The electrical in Tunnel 1 restroom is being installed while the Gateway restroom roof rafters and sheathing is going up.