PLAN Jeffco and Open Space celebrate their 40th Anniversaries in 2012
Below are two pages from our original brochure:
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud planjeffcoadmin contributed a whooping 205 entries.
Below are two pages from our original brochure:
Dear Sirs: PLAN Jeffco submits these comments in response to the Fish and Wildlife Services’ request for public comments as part of its NEPA scoping process relating to the Services’ development of an EA. The EA is being developed to analyze the impacts of the Service’s proposed transfer/sale of a 300-foot wide strip of land […]
By John Litz The 10-year Funding Plan, discussed in the OSAC Notes in the June 2011 PLAN Jeffco Update, identifies significantly fewer dollars available for land acquisition from 2011 to 2020. The flat economy, which is generating only slight increases in sales tax revenue, is mostly responsible for this change. Servicing of the bonds is […]
by Ann Bonnell Chatfield Lake was originally built for flood control and recreation. A study to store an additional 12 vertical feet, or 20,600 acre feet of water for residential, commercial and agricultural use, has been ongoing for over 10 years. There are 14 possible water users/districtswho may use this water. The additional water has […]
Don’t miss this year’s PLAN Jeffco Dinner with the Commissioners It’s a double header! Two luminous guests, for the price of one! Thursday, October 13th, 2011. 5:30pm with John Fielder! Lise Aangeenbrug! Join us and John Fielder, world renowned landscape photographer, and Lise Aangeenbrug, Executive Director of Great Outdoors Colorado, for our annual dinner celebrating […]
Don’t miss this year’s PLAN Jeffco Dinner with the Commissioners It’s a double header! Two luminous guests, for the price of one! Thursday, October 13th, 2011. 5:30pm with John Fielder! Lise Aangeenbrug! Join us and John Fielder, world renowned landscape photographer, and Lise Aangeenbrug, Executive Director of Great Outdoors Colorado, for our annual dinner celebrating […]
Year after year, domestic and wild plants give us—and local wildlife—”free food,” as it were. But some years are special. Trees bent under the weight of fruit they carried; now pantry shelves bend under the weight of jams and jellies as we try to cope with overwhelming abundance. In the nut and seed world, when […]
The Jeffco Open Space Foundation was incorporated in June 1998 and received 501(c)3 status in April 1999. It was incorporated “for education and charitable purposes to receive, solicit, administer and disburse gifts, grants devices, bequests or other conveyances or real and personal property or the income derived therefrom for the benefit of the Jefferson County […]
by Paul Murphy Powered Mobility Devices in JCOS Parks In response to a mandate from the federal level, Jefferson County Open Space has released its guidelines regarding the use of “mobility devices” in JCOS parks, and on JCOS trails. In short, persons with disabilities related to their mobility are permitted to access JCOS properties using […]
When long-time OSAC Chairperson Greg Stevinson stepped down from this post as OSAC Chair in 2009, prior to the end of his term, Jan Wilkins and Wayne Forman – also seasoned veterans of OSAC, stepped up to co-chair the Committee. Finding that they worked together so well, they requested that this ruling structure remain in […]