fFebruary was a short month, and with all the snow that fell in March, it seemed reasonable to pair the reports for these two months together. Despite the time limit and the weather interruptions, JCOS got a lot done!
Centennial Cone Park – 2020-2021 Hunting Numbers
During this past hunting season, there were a total of 225 unique hunter sign-ins, the majority of whom had a companion with them. A total of 15 deer and two elk were harvested. Two hunters called to report that their harvested deer tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. Based on hunter observations, as many as 50 elk were observed in the Park at one time during the two month period.
Clear Creek Canyon Park Improvements – Gateway to Huntsman Trail Segment
In preparation for design of the next trail segment in Clear Creek Canyon, a drone flew through the Canyon in early February to collect more accurate survey data to help with the design phase of the project. The steep canyon walls, dense trees and rocky overhangs led to some inaccuracies with the plane-based LiDAR survey data which was originally gathered for the project. The weather and the light were so perfect that the drone survey was finished in two days instead of the four that was originally planned.
Clear Creek Canyon Park, Gateway Segment
The Gateway Trailhead is inching closer to completion. The crews continue to make great progress as they get closer to opening this summer.
Restroom Update
The Building & Historic Sites Team has completed installing drywall and the drywall has passed inspection. HVAC layout and installation has begun, with lots of piping and a boiler for in-floor heating. The roofing was completed just before the big March snow. Interior wall finishes are being completed. Way to go Buildings & Historic Sites Team!
The Trails Team completed the timber stairs and retaining walls that connect the Peaks to Plains Trail to the east side of the wooden flume.
Permeable Paver Install
Installation of the interlocking concrete permeable pavers at the Gateway Trailhead began in early March. These pavers are very similar to the trailhead surface at Hildebrand Ranch Park and allow surface water to seep back into the ground instead of being carried into a traditional storm water system. This not only eliminates the need for a storm water quality pond and frees up space for more parking, the pavers are a key piece in low-impact development. Check out the latest update video to learn how interlocking concrete permeable pavers are installed. https://youtu.be/4M0XVveM35o
Board of County Commissioners Approves Design Contract for Next Segment
The next segment of the Peaks to Plains Trail and the continued development of the Clear Creek Canyon Park cleared a major hurdle in early March. The BCC approved the contract with the Design-Build team led by Concrete Express and Muller Engineering. This 3-mile segment is funded by $10.25M from the Denver Regional Council of Governments’ Transportation Improvement Program, and will run from where the Gateway Segment ends at the west portal of Tunnel 1 to Huntsman Gulch. It will include two new trailheads, multiple bridges and numerous creek access points. Design has begun, with construction to commence in 2022. The entire project should open to the public in 2024.
Mount Falcon Park – Entry Sign Update
The entry sign at the West Mount Falcon Trailhead has been updated to provide clear direction to Park visitors.
Matthews/Winters Park – Dakota Ridge Trail Fencing
Thanks to the collaboration of the Trails and Park Services Teams, 56 feet of high tensile fence was installed on a portion of the Dakota Ridge Trail for visitor safety and resource protection.
Preparation for Unauthorized Trail Restoration – Log Harvesting
The Trails Team has finished harvesting and peeling lodgepole pine for buck-n-rail fencing material used to close unauthorized trails.
Snow Removal Operations
Great pride, appreciation and respect towards the field staff and the efforts taken toward an efficient response to Winter Storm Zylia. Without hesitation the Park Services, Ranger, Trails, Community Connections, Buildings & Historic Sites and Natural Resources teams collaborated to both prepare for and respond to the Metro Area’s fourth largest snowstorm in recorded history. This effort enabled JCOS to restore access to all of the main trailheads, provide at least 50% available parking at those locations, clear the paved trails and ensure the functionality of the facilities in just two days! Huge thanks and appreciation to Jeffco Road and Bridge and local transportation departments for maintaining the roads and assisting with some of the more challenging trailhead locations. Same for the Facilities Department who worked towards having the JCOS office open and available. Following on the heels of Zylia, additional snowfall has pushed full recovery into subsequent weeks as JCOS staff continues to open trailheads, improve access and further clear parking lots and other trailhead amenities.
Beaver Ranch Park – Jeffco Open Space Foundation/Hanna Trust Property
Thanks to the persistence of the Real Estate Team and a little help from the Jeffco Open Space Foundation, JCOS can finally provide legal access to the south entrance of the Valley Trail at Beaver Ranch Park! The addition of this 0.44-acre property eliminates the gap between the Park and neighborhood access from Black Hawk Drive and will enable JCOS to install visitor information at this entry point.
North Table Mountain – Spring Snake Emergence
With the official start of spring just around the corner and two feet of snow on the ground, the Front Range is sending its usual mixed seasonal signals, including the first reported snake sightings of 2021. Garter snakes have been observed crossing trails at a few locations along the Front Range, and JCOS herp volunteer Ryan Borgmann photographed this bull snake parked at the entrance of its hibernaculum on March 7th at North Table Mountain Park. Snakes are not likely to venture far from the shelter of their wintering den, but warm, sunny spring days may bring them out for a healthy bask.
Apex Park – Mountain Lion Encounter
March 13, 2021: From the HWI (Human-Wildlife Interaction) reporting app: “I (adult female) was hiking down Paydirt Trail and noted an adult mountain lion walking down the hill, about 50-75 yards away. It heard me, turned and looked at me, but continued to descend towards Magic Mountain Trail. I took a short video since it appeared uninterested in me. I was still and just watching, and when it disappeared from view, I noticed a trail runner above me on the Hardscrabble. I yelled “mountain lion, mountain lion, cougar, puma! Careful! I just saw it go down this hill!” and the runner turned around. I continued to descend slowly and saw another trail runner coming up the Apex/Magic Mountain towards where I had last seen the lion, yelled to alert them, and they also turned around. I was afraid I’d see it as I got on Magic Mountain back to the trailhead and walked slowly backwards on the trail until it curved. I did not see the lion again. A few minutes later two trail runners were coming up the trail towards me. I warned them I had just seen it disappear in this area, they said they knew about it, and (foolishly) decided to continue running onwards towards where I had last seen it. I got to the parking lot, saw a ranger’s truck and told Adam Campbell about it. He gave me his business card and I emailed him the video.”
Stormwater Operations and Cartegraph
Storm water operations are evolving thanks to leadership, team effort and Cartegraph. JCOS is starting to get a bird’s eye view of its assets and a good overall understanding of their condition. The Park Services Team completed their first round of field collecting and test inspections, entering assets and essential details into the asset management system, Cartegraph. The GIS Team has done an amazing job giving teams the tools needed to inventory the system, discover concerns and plan strategic repairs. This improves collaboration with Planning and Zoning, supporting MS4 permit compliance. It also improves the ability to prepare for and respond to disasters. It may not seem important to know how many culverts there are and where they’re located, until a catastrophic flood happens.
Colorado Front Range Trail
A Request for Proposal was advertised last week to find a design team to complete a Feasibility Study for the northern Jefferson County segment of the Colorado Front Range Trail. This multi-modal segment will connect North Table Mountain Park to the border with Boulder County. The Feasibility Study will identify the most feasible trail alignment, develop a preliminary design of this alignment, and create design/construction cost estimates. The Study is funded by the Trust for Public Land, City of Arvada, JCOS, and the Denver Regional Council of Governments’ Transportation Improvement Program. More to come in the near future as the selection process moves forward!
JCOS Fun Fact – Pavement
Thanks to recent GIS and Cartegraph efforts JCOS has been able to quantify many assets, including pavement. JCOS maintains 3.8 million square feet of paved surfaces including concrete, asphalt, recycled asphalt, road base, crusher fines, and pavers. That is equivalent to 89.7 acres or 31 miles of a two-lane roadway.
Forest Health Successful Grant Award
JCOS received notice in February that they had been awarded $47,653.70 to help purchase a second masticator (also called a forest brush cutter). For those who are keeping track, the Natural Resources Team is 2-for-2 on grant applications this year.
Invasive Species 101 Webinar Series Receives More Than 430 Registrations
Jeffco Invasive Species Management and Jeffco CSU Extension have partnered with Boulder and Larimer County CSU Extension to present a webinar series focused on invasive species issues along the Front Range. This four session speaker series aims to educate and inform landowners on invasive species terminology, identification, treatment, and latest trends. Sessions are held virtually from 6:00–7:30 pm from late March until early May. The first session had 181 attendees and to date, a total of 432 registrations. More information can be found on Jeffco CSU Extension’s webpage https://jeffco.extension.colostate.edu/2021/02/03/upcoming-webinar/
Whew! Despite the short month of February and the very snowy month of March, it’s readily apparent that JCOS has been busy!! Even throughout the winter and all this construction, visitor numbers in the Parks are above what they have been historically, so keeping the Parks maintained for everyone’s enjoyment has been a priority. And JCOS has risen to the challenge!
Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.