Everything’s Rosy!

Here in Colorado’s foothills and mountain slopes, our future is rosy. So is our present, and for some time, so has been our past. We are fortunate in that almost everywhere we look, we see roses. Although June is the traditional month for traditional roses, the native roses we enjoy here often appear in May. Many of them, however, masquerade under other names, some even under disguises so complete most of us never suspect their true identities. There are roses hiding, literally, in almost every one of the flowering shrubs we seek out for their color and beauty each spring.

Roses have long been the domesticated friends of humans, serving in a variety of capacities. Flower and fruit provide pleasure and food, fragrance and sustenance. Among familiar tame roses, we find apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries: It’s hard to make a fruit pie without involving one or another of Rose’s cousins. If these fruits seem too diverse to be related, it’s because the Rose Family, with 3,000 members worldwide and 69 species here, is large and a bit unwieldy. Botanists often divide it into three separate subfamilies: The apple subfamily, with its multi-seeded fruits, includes pears, quinces, and hawthorns; the peach subfamily includes the “stone” fruits, cherries, plums, and apricots; and the rose subfamily is a catch-all for the rest—strawberries, true roses, potentillas, raspberries, and so on. A close look at the flower reveals an underlying unity: Five petals and sepals—and many, many stamens—characterize roses.

Everything's Rosy! by Sally White (drawing of a wild rose)If you think first of our wild pink rose, you’re on the right track. It alone, of all our local roses, retains the Latin name Rosa, although its specific name is variously given as arkansana, woodsii, acicularis, depending on where you are. Most of us have difficulty separating these very similar species—for good reason, as Rosa itself is described as “taxonomically difficult.” This genus alone has rosebuds, leaves, and “hips” nearly identical to those of our tame backyard roses, and is sought for rose hip jelly or tea. The Rose Family also includes many other dramatic and ubiquitous native shrubs. All are attractive enough, at least to me, to serve in domesticated situations, as well as in wild landscapes. Native roses—mountain mahogany, serviceberry, chokecherry, wild plum, potentilla—are readily available in the nursery trade, though you may have hunt for them. We’re fortunate that local nurseries stock all of these and many other native shrubs. Several local roses also provide food, at least for those who trouble to collect fruit for chokecherry or wild plum jelly (or wine!) each fall. Chokecherries and plums are also greatly appreciated by coyotes and other local wildlife who enjoy their abundance in season. If you don’t know how chokecherries got their name, try one!

Our other woody roses also have much to offer. The hawthorns (Crategus erythropoda and C. macracantha), with their lovely white flowers, glossy leaves, bright red fruits, and thorny red stems, are often found in foothills canyons. Feathery fruits adorn Apache plume (Fallugia paradoxa), a more-distant native transplanted from lower deserts. Rock spirea (Holodiscus dumosus) is a distinctive local shrub with a loose spike of minute rosy-pink flowers and soft, almost pleated leaves.

Two that may be less familiar but are well worth looking for are the Boulder raspberry (Rubus deliciosus) and mountain ninebark (Physocarpus monogynus). The Boulder raspberry, with conspicuous white flowers and less-than-inspiring fruits, seems to tolerate sun and shade, and thus is seen in a variety of habitats. Mountain ninebark has tiny white flowers in clusters—the plants look like spring snowdrifts in shady areas. It grows a little higher in elevation and blooms a little later than other roses. Both have an orangish, shredded bark that offers winter interest.

To avoid entrapment by the thousands of rose clichés western civilization has inherited, I’m being vigilant against a powerful temptation. Who could write about these plants that have so long and so gracefully served humankind without repeating the discoveries of centuries of Rose’s admirers? I’ll leave it to you to remember our rosy sayings, but I think you’ll agree it’s hard to name another plant family that’s given us so much symbolism and legend down through the ages: from Eve’s apple, to the briars that grew up to protect Sleeping Beauty’s castle, to the symbol of love and loyalty still used by swains today. In song, in poetry, in our hearts, roses hold a special place. This year, remembering our natives, let the roses of Mother’s Day say even more than they usually do.

And I will make thee beds of roses

And a thousand fragrant posies…

Copyright © 2013 Sally L. White

The Bird Family with an Attitude: The Corvids

The Corvids are probably the most notable family of birds with an attitude. They are loud, pushy and act like they are the boss, running off other bird species and often eating other birds’ eggs and hatchlings. The Corvids found in our area include Common Raven, American Crow, Western Scrub-Jay, Pinyon Jay, Blue Jay, Steller’s Jay, Gray Jay, Clark’s Nutcracker and Black-billed Magpie.

Each species has a special habitat or niche. All Corvids have stiff, bristle-like feathers covering their nostrils. They are omnivorous; they’ll eat most anything. In addition to the bad habits they often get blamed for, they do a good job of eating large quantities of harmful insects. They also harvest and store tree seeds, which they sometimes forget about, and the seeds then grow into new forests. Bird watchers thank them for finding owls and hawks which they noisily mob, giving away the raptor’s hard-to-see perch. Corvids often mate for life, each assisting with nest building, and feeding hatchlings and fledglings. Often young birds from a previous hatch will help with feeding the young of a later hatch. Many Corvids live more than 20 years. Some stay on home territories and some migrate in family groups or large flocks, either to lower elevations or by short migrations to warmer climates for the winter. They often become quiet and secretive when nesting. The “bad” in their behavior earned them places in the folklore of many cultures. In Europe they were considered “Devil’s birds.” Some cultures, such as those in the Pacific Northwest, revere them. Corvids are considered to be among the most intelligent of all bird groups. Many will recall with unerring accuracy where they have stashed food for the winter. Flocks of Corvids have been known to post one of their own to watch for danger while the others eat, sleep or loaf. David Sibley informs us that recent DNA-hybridization studies suggest that Corvids arose from an Australian ancestor. The same ancestor also gave rise to many distinctive Australian bird families, including wren-like, warbler-like, and flycatcher-like groups. North American shrikes and vireos are thought to be offshoots of the same line. Many Corvids contracted the West Nile virus when it first appeared in the U.S. in 1999, decimating populations. In the last few years population numbers have begun to recover.

Steller’s Jay is usually found in Colorado between 6,000 and 9,000 feet elevation. They are named after George Steller, a German naturalist who accompanied Vitus Bering on his Russian-sponsored expedition to see if the coasts of Siberia and Alaska were contiguous. George Steller collected the first Stellar’s jay specimen in 1741. Steller’s Jays are excellent mimics. Multiple times I have been fooled into thinking a Red-tailed Hawk was present and calling, when in fact it turned out to be a Steller’s jay. They can also do a reasonably good job of mimicking the sound of a rattlesnake. They were formerly known as Longcrested jays because of the long crest of black feathers on the head. The Steller’s jay nests are hard to find and they are often incubating eggs by early May. Lt. Abert on Fremont’s third expedition described this jay well in 1845 when he wrote “a jay whose plumage partook of the color of the darkest blue of a clear sky.”

Common Ravens are probably the most famous of the Corvids. They soar in elaborate, twirling displays during courtship. They prefer rocky ledges as hangouts and for nesting. Ravens never retrieve sticks from the ground for their nests, preferring to break dead branches from trees for nest building. Ravens, like owls and raptors, regurgitate pellets of indigestible parts of things they eat. When trying to differentiate them from American Crows, it helps to look for the raven’s wedgeshaped tail, to listen for the raven’s hoarse, croak call, and to watch for mostly soaring flight, with very little wing-flap. They have a larger bill than crows. In folklore, the raven flew off from Noah’s ark to find land. A story in the Bible tells of ravens bringing food to a prophet who was starving in the wilderness. Old Testament laws forbid eating ravens and crows because they were considered unclean. They are depicted on many totem poles of the Inuit, Tlingit and Haida cultures. In merrye olde England, it was believed that if the resident ravens left the Tower of London, King Charles II’s kingdom would fall. Since that time, the ravens are fed and cared for by a Ravenmaster to prevent any such disaster from occurring. The Ravenmaster clips a few flight feathers from one wing of each bird regularly to keep the birds from flying away. When these particular ravens die, they are buried in a special grave by the Middle Drawbridge, and each has a plaque with its name and age at death. One of the most famous Colorado ravens belonged to Catherine “Birdie” Hurlbutt. Catherine took in hundreds of injured and sick birds and nursed them back to health, rescuing them in a very old car painted white with “Bird Ambulance” printed on the side. In 1971 she decided to do some research on teaching birds to talk. She mail ordered a young raven from another state (a practice outlawed the next year). She spent many hours teaching “Edgar” the raven to say “nevermore.” In Edgar’s first few years he learned to say, “Nevermore, Hi-ya, Edgar, you’re a bad boy and hello.” Catherine called Edgar a he in most of her book, Edgar and I. In the later years of writing the book she discovered Edgar was a she because of certain courtship behaviors Edgar displayed. Edgar lived for 24 years. Catherine’s book is a fun read relating her stories of Edgar in addition to other bird rescue tales.

American Crows are usually found in open and semiopen habitats. They have straight, square-ended tails and a clearer, higher-pitched call than a raven. They are smaller than ravens and flap their wings a lot when flying. Opening up roads and creating forest clearings has helped them move into new areas. During the winter, crows often gather in large flocks, flying in one day from roost to eating areas, then on to loafing areas, then to another eating area and at the end of the day back to the communal roost. Crows love to hoard bright objects. They also regurgitate pellets of indigestible material. The Tillamook Native Americans have a story about the Thunderbird (who was responsible for making thunder and lightning) not liking its voice and working a deal to trade its voice with the crow. In exchange, the Thunderbird would make lower tides along the coast so the women of the Tillamook clan could gather more clams. We have many sayings about crows: “Eat crow” when one finds it necessary to retract a deed or quote. “Straight as the crow flies “illustrates the crow’s habit of flying in a straight line to their roost. Age puts “crow’s feet” wrinkles around the eyes. During courtship the male spreads his wings and tail, fluffs body feathers and bows several times to the female while singing a rattling song. Many crows have been poisoned, shot and even dynamited when they gather in large flocks of thousands to eat farmers’ crops.

Western Scrub Jays are found along the Front Range in the Transition Zone from the plains to the mountains. They hang out in scrub (Gambel) oak. They are usually found in small family groups and stash the oak acorns for food so they can have them later. They will come to a bird feeder, run off all the little birds, and proceed to pick up as many as 20 sunflower seeds in one visit, which they will then stash in their hide outs in the ground, in cracks and bark crevices, even in snow banks. They may migrate short distances south, especially in years when the acorn crop is poor. They have no crest and look grayish until the sun touches their feathers. They were once called Woodhouse’s Jay. They will also hoard bright objects

Pinyon Jays are sometimes found in small flocks in our area. Like the Western Scrub jay, the Pinyon jay has no crest, however, they are bluer than Scrub jays, especially on the breast. Their calls are very different than the calls of Western Scrub jays. Pinyon jays prefer Pinyon pine/juniper habitat but sometimes show up along the lower foothills in Ponderosa pine areas. They often walk instead of hop as other jays do. Crows and Clark’s nutcrackers also walk. Genetically Pinyon jays fit intermediately between jays and crows. They are one jay that does not have bristles covering their nostrils giving them their scientific name Gymnorhinus which means naked nose. They were discovered by Alexander Philip Maximilian, Prince of Wied, noted German traveler who first found them in Montana in 1883. They breed in colonies. Breeding is triggered by availability of Pinyon nuts which they cache for food in late winter, often when snow is still on the ground. If you find seedling trees uphill from a parent tree, most likely a Pinyon jay cached and forgot. Pinyon nuts cached by squirrels and birds and then forgotten can sprout and grow.

Blue Jays have crests. They were originally found in states east of Colorado, however, when we created their favorite habitat by planting Eastern region trees and shrubs, they gradually moved up river courses to Denver (the first record in Jefferson County: September 24, 1917). They love to stash seeds from bird feeders. I have watched one in my backyard poke holes in the sod and place the seed in the hole, and then put a leaf over the hole to hide the stash. I then noticed a squirrel who had figured out the ruse, looking under leaves on the ground for gifts left there by the blue jay. Blue jays usually don’t migrate south in winter except for the extreme northern bird populations. They will announce the arrival of a fox, cat, owl or other raptor by loud calls as they mob the intruder. In addition to this loud raucous call they have a quieter flute-like call. In Colorado the blue jay has been known to hybridize with Steller’s jays.

Gray Jay has also been called Rocky Mountain Jay, Canada jay, Jackdaw and Camp Robber. Another name “Whiskey Jack,” is believed to have come from their Cree name of “Wisca Chan.” They are the only Old World jay present in the New World. They have a large round head and small bill. They are very tame and will snatch up food left unattended. They are also known to carry off such items as matches, tobacco plugs, pencils, soap and candles. They can store food in a sticky bolus mixed with saliva and placed on a limb or tucked under tree bark for use in lean times. Some jays have been known to remember as many as 1,000 separate caches.[Is this the gray jay, or jays in general?] Gray Jays are mostly silent and are usually found in pairs or small groups. Their habitat is the Montane Zone and Boreal Forest of Engleman spruce, Douglas fir and Lodgepole pine. Any migration is usually to a lower elevation in winter. They usually start nesting in late March while snow is deep; the eggs hatch in early April.

Clark’s Nutcracker, which was once known as Clark’s Crow or the Woodpecker Crow, is named after Captain William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Clark’s Nutcracker is like a combination of a woodpecker and a crow. It has a long, stout bill which it uses to open pine cones and eat the seeds. It often walks instead of hopping. They are found near timberline along crests of higher mountains, usually in small groups. They can do a good mimic of the calls of the Great Horned Owl and the Pygmy Owl. Their nests are seldom found because they nest during March and April when there is still deep snow on the ground. Female birds loose feathers on their breasts during incubation to enable them to keep the eggs warmer. Clark’s Nutcracker males are unusual in that they also develop these “brood patches.” Research has shown males incubate the eggs as much as 20% of the time. They have been known to collect as many at 30 – 100 seeds at once in a sub-lingual pouch to stash for use in the spring to feed new hatchlings. These caches on south-facing slopes have been known to contain 22,000 to 33,000 conifer seeds.

Black-billed Magpie is a common bird in Colorado open country [and in the foothills, too—at least judging by the numbers that hang around my house on Lookout Mtn!]. Colorado often gets the highest count of Magpies on the annual National Audubon Christmas Count totals by state. Magpies are very noisy birds and they love to steal dog food left outside. Their nests are elaborate, hollowed-out piles of sticks, lined with mud and soft materials , usually containing several entrances. They may spend 40-50 days building a nest. Sometimes, after the Magpies finish nesting, the dome collapses and hawks or owls will take over the location. Magpie eggs are often lain by the third week of April. They usually travel in small, family flocks occasionally increasing to larger flocks in winter. They will perch on livestock, elk, deer and eat ticks or other parasites. The name Magpie may come from the sound of their call. Legend has it that the Magpie was the only bird that refused to enter the Ark, preferring to perch on its roof, from which it could complain about the plights of those caught in the rising flood. Their numbers are increasing after declining dramatically following the onset of the West Nile Virus.

Copyright © 2011 Ann Bonnell

Birds of Jefferson County: Accipiters

“What is that hawk who comes into my yard and eats ‘my’ birds?”

These hawks are probably Accipiters, a sub-group of the birds of prey most easily distinguished by their long tails and short, broad, rounded wings which allow them to maneuver in and out of trees. Their normal hunting ground is in the forest, but Accipiters have been loosing out to houses, commercial developments and highways. The many small birds that consititute their prey base have adapted to urban living and bird feeders, so seeing these Accipiters hunting in your back yard and nesting in urban settings is becoming more and more commonplace.

The two Accipiters most often seen in the Denver area are the Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) and the Sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus) – the Sharpy. If you’re in your yard and suddenly you notice that all the birds are fleeing from the feeders, and then everything suddenly gets quiet, search the trees close by. You may see a Cooper’s Hawk or Sharpy quietly sitting and waiting for some small bird to fly into harm’s way.

In my yard I have seen an Evening Grosbeak, which measures just over 7 inches tip to tail, taken by an Accipitor. I have also watched as a Cooper’s Hawk stepped into my 2″ deep birdbath and spent 15 minutes deciding whether or not to take a bath. Then he splashed about for another 30 minutes, spreading his wings and bending over sideways to bathe. The Cooper’s Hawk is about 17″ long. The Sharpy is smaller, about 12″ long, however – because the female Sharpy is larger than the male, a Sharp-shinned female can be about the same size as a male Cooper’s Hawk.

Photo - AccipitersTelling the two species apart can be difficult, the accompanying photo is representative of either species, although, by consensus of opinion, we think the Accipiter is a Cooper’s Hawk and his prey a sparrow of some sort. As adults, both are dark gray above and lighter below with buff-colored stripes on the breast. The most distinguishing feature of both species is the tail…long, wide and banded, alternating dark and light brown, with white tipping at the end. A Sharpy has a straight-edged tail with a little white at the outer end. The Cooper’s Hawk has a rounded tail with more white showing at the end. Feather wear can modify the appearance of the tail feathers, causing identification confusion. Adult birds of both species have red eyes while their youngsters have yellow eyes. Sharpys often have some white blotchy feathers on the back.

In flight, the Sharpy tucks its head into its wings, while the Cooper’s Hawk extends its head – some have described a Cooper’s Hawk in flight as “a flying cross.” A Cooper’s Hawk weighs about a pound while a Sharpy weighs only about half a pound.

One day I was at my bird feeders when one came at me chasing a sparrow – couldn’t tell if it was a Cooper’s Hawk or a Sharpy, they were moving so fast. The sparrow went to my right and the Accipiter to my left. The sparrow got away. In the bird world there are predators and there are prey…don’t be too alarmed if you witness an Accipiter doing what he’s supposed to be doing at your feeder or in your yard. This is just part of the way of the wild.

Copyright © 2011 Ann Bonnell

Big Bluestem: Plant of the Future

This fall I had an email from a botanist friend: “What’s going on with big bluestem?” After he pointed it out, I noticed that, sure enough, this species, one of the dominant grasses in the tallgrass prairie (as in the source of the original Kansas sods that once housed the homesteaders), is bustin’ out all over the foothills! Big bluestem typically occurs on the slopes of our mountain front, but has been expanding in recent years. In 2010, this warm-season grass had an extraordinary year. Its abundance first drew attention at Lookout Mountain, on the slopes of Windy Saddle Park and adjacent areas, where you can probably still spot patches of its russet fall color when the ground is free of snow, even if you’re driving by on 6th Avenue. If you’re on the Lariat Trail, big bluestem borders the south side of the road east of Windy Saddle. This time of year, when it might seem there’s little to interest plant lovers, big bluestem and its cousins in the grass family provide color in the landscape.

Tallgrass prairie, whether here or in the East, is a tattered remnant of what it was in its glory days. We’re lucky to have sizable patches in Jeffco; efforts to protect some have been underway for more than 20 years. It’s been years since we talked tallgrass prairie here in the PJ newsletter, but the Board has continued to monitor and comment on developments in the Rocky Flats area, where our best examples of this rare ecosystem survive, including the Ranson/Edwards and Jewell Mountain properties. Boulder conveniently protected several hundred acres of the latter. Patches of big bluestem on the foothills slopes are fine, but limited, reminders of the more extensive remnant prairie that once rolled out across the county but has retreated to a fringe along the mountain front. Most of what you see just northwest of Highways 93 and 72 is also tallgrass prairie.

Big Bluestem in Jeffco’s Landscape

Look for these foothills patches primarily on unforested south- and east-facing slopes: on most central slopes visible west of Highway 93, and on the north sides of our canyons, from Bear Creek to Golden Gate. In Mt. Galbraith Park, you can see the colorful auburn patches across the canyon as you make your way up the trail. Driving west on I-70, look for it to the north as you enter the foothills, on the slopes in Matthews-Winters Park. In the southwest part of Red Rocks Park, it occurs on level sites, more prairielike, because that area has been protected and contains isolated spots where the Rocky Flats alluvium has managed to persist on lands that would otherwise have been cultivated or developed. In fall, big bluestem blends perfectly with the outcrops of the Fountain Formation.

Lack of development and a somewhat inhospitable climate have also protected the Rocky Flats area. The extremely cobbly soils, beloved of gravel companies, hampered agricultural attempts on much of the area and enhanced the available moisture content for the growth of these taller species. Because the area is unplowed, in part, these soils are considered among the oldest in Colorado, with some estimates placing their age at 2 million years. But big bluestem’s expression/visibility in the landscape of any given year reflects how we’re doing on overall precipitation and temperature.

The Water Year and Other Influences

Based on the 30-yr average precipitation, our wettest month of the year should be May. When it is, that’s about perfect for big bluestem and other warm-season grasses (including blue grama, sideoats grama, little bluestem, and switchgrass), which are just getting started as the weather warms toward summer. By June, the cool-season grasses (such as the common lawn grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass, which take advantage of early season moisture to start growth) will be ready to flower and set seed, but you’ll still have to hunt around on the ground to find evidence that big bluestem is even alive. Large clumps of hairy, velvety blue-green leaves will be your hint.

In July, those spreading clumps send up tall flowering shoots, which produce the “turkey-foot” seed heads by August. When cool-season grasses are giving it up and their seed has scattered, big bluestem ripens into the terra cotta masses that reveal its presence even from a distance.

This seasonal habit represents an entirely different metabolism (called “C4”) in these plants, which use carbon along different pathways than many familiar plants. According to some researchers, this may give them an advantage under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide (think global climate change), especially during drought. Like many grasses, big bluestem is also adapted to grazing and fire, but not if they occur too frequently.

Interestingly, although it seemed, until recent snows, that it’s been droughty for several months, 2010 was an above average moisture year during its first half, giving big bluestem the start it needed. In fact, rainfall in this part of the county has been at or above normal every month from April 2009 through last June. (Later records have not yet been posted online.) Average temperatures have also hovered a degree or two above normal for several years (except 2008); most of the past decade has been warm. Temperature and moisture conditions have apparently encouraged big bluestem, a species that prefers a little more moisture and warmth than is the rule in Colorado. If we get too dry and warm, we’re apt to see more of its cousin, little bluestem, but as long as it finds a moist spot, big bluestem will remain a part of the county’s natural prospect. If you haven’t seen it, this winter is a great time to go looking for it.

To see temp/precip data go to: http://ccc.atmos.colostate.edu/coloradowater.php

Big Bluestem (grass),
Andropogon gerardii

  • Warm-season sod-forming grass.
  • Height: 4-5 feet in Colorado, occasionally taller; to 8 ft in prairie states.
  • Occurs in all but the five westernmost of the lower 48 states, as well as the central provinces of Canada. Most abundant in eastern Great Plains.
  • Dominant and characteristic grass of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem.
  • Flowering heads are 4-5 inches long, with 3 (or more) spreading branches, suggesting its other common name: turkeyfoot

Copyright © 2011 Sally L. White

PLAN Jeffco Active on Several Open Space Subjects

by Marilyn Mueller

PLAN Jeffco functions as more than just a watchdog group. It observes meetings of the Open Space Advisory Committee, participates in subcommittees and issues groups, proposes and works for important acquisitions, provides advice to the Open Space Program, helps solve problems and keeps citizens informed of what is going on in their Open Space Program.

PLAN Jeffco, (PJ), operates thru its Board of Directors, which meets monthly. PJ schedules at least two major gatherings each year for the membership and interested citizens. Coming up in September will be “The Dinner with the Commissioners.” Held at Mt. Vernon Country Club, its aim is to bring together the Commissioners, The Open Space Staff, members of the Open Space Advisory Committee, PLAN Jeffco members and other citizens. In early spring, each year, there is the Annual meeting featuring a speaker or a workshop on topics of current interest.

A Candidates Forum will be held this fall. This meeting will feature the two candidates for County Commissioner, speaking and answering questions from the audience. See notices regarding the Commissioners Dinner and Candidates Forum in this issue.

Chairperson Margot Zallen and the PJ board have been busy responding to matters and events needing attention this year. Of major interest:

Trails – Continued involvement in meetings of the Open Space Trails Committee, whose purpose is to review use and conflict issues on our trails. Peter Morales (PJ Board Member) played a significant role in meetings and negotiations and actual decisions regarding the restructuring and repurposing of trails at Apex Park. Changes include directional traffic for bicyclists on odd-numbered calendar days over three segments of trail, construction of two new segments of trail and installation of trail features to add interest and moderate speed. For more information on specific trail changes and a new map of the Apex trail system, go to http://co.jefferson.co.us/jeffco/openspace_uploads/trail_use_changes_at_apex_park.pdf

Jefferson Parkway – This is the proposed extension of W470 on the north end of the Metro area, now called the Northwest Quadrant Toll Road. PLAN Jeffco has opposed this plan from the standpoint of the increased environmental impact to adjoining open space lands, the ensuing commercial and residential development which would substantially increase that impact, the fact that it would not solve the present traffic problems and would likely result in an increased tax burden on the residents of Jefferson County, to compensate for revenue short-falls.

County Master Plan Reviews – The County is revising their Master Plan and the segmented studies of the Mountain Backdrop areas in the North, Central, and South Plains areas. PJ Board members John Litz, Don Moore and Michelle Poolet have been active on this and any other present and long range planning subjects.

Staunton Park – This is a newly opened State Park, located in Jefferson County. PJ Board Member Vera Smith brought this to the Board’s attention when it was in the early planning stages, and PJ has been following the planning whenever public input has been possible. For more information on Staunton Park (and some fabulous pictures of the area) go to http://parks.state.co.us/Parks/Staunton/Pages/Staunton.aspx

Alex and Evelyn Rooney’s House – The house is located on county open space land and is part of a “hot button” area which includes the mountain backdrop, the Rooney Ranch and pastures, an historic Ute Indian council tree and assembly area, the Dinosaur Ridge Visitor Center, and the adjoining road over and along the hogback. An additional heavy impact from the East is the Three Dinos proposed plan for a large commercial and residential development. PJ board members Sally White and Ken Foelske have worked on proposing sealing and moth-balling Alex and Evelyn Rooney’s house until a study can create a Master Plan for the many uses, inter-entity relationships, and stakeholder involvement in this special area. For more information on the Rooney Ranch, go to http://www.rooneyranch.com/index.html

Identification of Desirable Additional Open Space Lands – PJ Board Member Greg Penkowsky is always on the hunt to identify additional open space land purchases and applicable sources of funding.

PLAN Jeffco is fortunate that our secretary, Betty Seeland, is also active in the League of Women Voters; this connection opens avenues of interaction between the two groups. John Litz, former PJ Chair, has been a member of the Open Space Advisory Committee for seventeen years and his presence gives PLAN Jeffco an important link to the Open Space staff and to the Commissioners.

This year’s Annual Meeting, held last March, featured two speakers who provided us with a full morning of entertaining yet relevant information. The meeting was co-sponsored with the League of Women Voters, the Audubon Society of Greater Denver, the Clear Creek Land Conservancy, the Rocky Mtn. Bird Observatory and the Colorado Mountain Club in Golden. The Mountain Club provided the use of their excellent auditorium.

The first speaker, Dyana Furmansky, introduced and reviewed her newly published book, “Rosalie Edge, Hawk of Mercy.” Dyana is a dynamic speaker; she writes about the truly important and pivotal contributions that Ms. Edge made. Starting in the early 1900’s, Rosalie Edge alerted the public to the need for conservation programs protecting wild life. At that time, eagles and hawks were considered desirable hunting game. Quoting from the book jacket: “In 1930, Edge formed the militant Emergency Conservation Committee, which not only railed against the complacency of the Bureau of Biological Survey, Audubon Society, U.S. Forest Service, and other stewardship organizations but also exposed the complicity of some in the squandering of our national heritage. Edge played key roles in the establishment of Olympic and Kings Canyon National Parks and the expansion of Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks.” Reading this book will definitely strengthen and motivate efforts for the protection and stewardship of our own natural environment. For additional information on Dyana and her book “Rosalie Edge, Hawk of Mercy”, go to http://www.dyanazfurmansky.com/Default.htm

Note: Dyana Furmansky was active in the 1972 election campaign that authorized the Jefferson County Open Space program.

The second speaker, Jason Beson, Special Monitoring Projects Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, brought with him some “Up Close and Personal” slides of raptors found in Colorado. Not only did these slides show how handsome and elegant these hawks and eagles are, but he pointed out identifying markings to look for when you are viewing them in the field. He also spoke about the raptor migration surveys and pointed out that one of the early spring observation periods takes place on Dinosaur Ridge, which is part of our own Dakota Hogback, west of Denver. During migration from wintering places in the South to breeding sites in the North and back again, these raptors are aided by gliding and flying with the thermal currents created from the temperature differences between the high Rockies and the adjoining lower plains. The RMBO is headquartered at Barr Lake. Excited by Jason’s pictures, we recommend finding some binoculars and going out to Barr Lake to look for hawks and eagles, and in addition, check out the many other birds in that location. For more information on the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, go to http://www.rmbo.org/

Some of the guiding principles which guide PLAN Jeffco interests and subsequent recommendations:

1. Protection of viewshed areas

2. Protection of watersheds

3. Protection of areas important for solitude

4. Protection of dark skies (for star gazing)

5. Protection of wildlife, wildlife migration corridors, riparian areas and other critical wildlife habitats and buffer zones

6. Protection of the mountain backdrop

7. Protection of bio-diversity and endangered vegetation habitat

8. Encourage the consolidation and additions to larger rather than fragmented parcels of open space

9. Encourage the “buying and holding” of open space for long term preservation rather than the need to develop each parcel of open space acquired by the County

10. Review and consider needed amendments to the County Master Plan to support the appropriate preservation of open space 

County Commissioner Candidate Forum

When: 7pm, Tuesday evening, September 21st, 2010

Who: Don Rosier, Republican Candidate and Kathy Hartman, Democratic Candidate

What: Your opportunity to ask questions and hear the candidates’ points of view

Where: Main Hearing Room, Open Space Building, 700 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden CO 80401.

Why: Because we need to know about the candidates for our Board of County Commissioners before we vote!

How much: free to the public.

Thank you to our co-sponsor:

League of Women Voters

Citizens Involved in the Northwest Quadrant (CINQ)

Friends of the Foothills

Canyon Area Residents for the Environment (C.A.R.E.)

Citizens for Lakewood’s Future


Canyon Courier

2010 PLAN Jeffco Annual Dinner with the County Commissioners

When: Thursday evening, September 30th, 2010. Social Hour: 5:30pm. Dinner Hour: 6:30pm.

Where: Mount Vernon County Club, 24933 Clubhouse Circle, Golden CO 80401, Canyon Trail Room.

Who: Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners, Open Space Advisory Committee, OS staff

What: Opportunity to talk to Commissioners, OSAC members and staff

Why: Because the Open Space Program is important to all of us

How much: $27 per person

Our new Open Space Director, Tom Hoby, will be our keynote speaker. We have invited him to speak about his long-range perspectives and strategies for Jeffco open space, to share his 5-year and 10-year goals, and to highlight what he sees as his priorities, and problems. We also want to know. how he sees the role of community organizations, and what can we do to help.

Reservations are required; please contact Michelle Poolet, 303.526.1348, mapoolet@ix.netcom.com, or Don Moore, 303.816.0907, dmconifer@gmail.com. If leaving a phone message, speak slowly and clearly, spell your name, indicate how many in your party, and if anyone has special dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, low-sodium, etc. – we give you more options than the airlines!), and don’t forget to leave a call-back number so we can confirm your request. Please reserve no later than 9/22/2010. 

2010 PLAN Jeffco Annual Dinner with the County Commissioners

When: Thursday evening, September 30th, 2010. Social Hour: 5:30pm. Dinner Hour: 6:30pm.

Where: Mount Vernon County Club, 24933 Clubhouse Circle, Golden CO 80401, Canyon Trail Room.

Who: Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners, Open Space Advisory Committee, OS staff

What: Opportunity to talk to Commissioners, OSAC members and staff

Why: Because the Open Space Program is important to all of us

How much: $27 per person

Our new Open Space Director, Tom Hoby, will be our keynote speaker. We have invited him to speak about his long-range perspectives and strategies for Jeffco open space, to share his 5-year and 10-year goals, and to highlight what he sees as his priorities, and problems. We also want to know. how he sees the role of community organizations, and what can we do to help.

Reservations are required; please contact Michelle Poolet, 303.526.1348, mapoolet@ix.netcom.com, or Don Moore, 303.816.0907, dmconifer@gmail.com. If leaving a phone message, speak slowly and clearly, spell your name, indicate how many in your party, and if anyone has special dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, low-sodium, etc. – we give you more options than the airlines!), and don’t forget to leave a call-back number so we can confirm your request. Please reserve no later than 9/22/2010. 

County Selects Tom Hoby as New Director of Open Space and Community Resources

Tom Hoby is not only our Open Space Director, he’s also the Director of the Community Resources Department. As such, he has executive oversight of the Boettcher Mansion, the CSU Extension, and the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. He brings to these jobs a very wide range of experience gained in his 29 years in the industry. He is a graduate of Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Outdoor Recreation Administration. He also has completed a number of educational programs to enhance his skills, earning him the title of Certified Park and Recreation Professional.

His start in open space administration was as an Outdoor Recreation Planner for the BLM with responsibility for 30 recreation sites and two wilderness areas. Tom then moved on to Lafayette, Colorado, where he served as Recreation Director for the city. There he managed nine parks, an outdoor pool, and 300 acres of open space. During his tenure he built community support and secured funding to create Waneka Lake Park.

Following his stint in Lafayette, Tom worked for a sports field lighting company designing, installing, and servicing lighting systems. He then spent five years as the Associate Executive Director of Special Olympics in Colorado. During this time, Tom created numerous strategic plans for regional program sustainability, coordinated statewide event locations, and managed funding and the structure of an organization that serves more than 150 communities and 5,000 people with developmental disabilities who participate in 18 sports throughout the year. He did this with a team of 22 staff and more than 9,700 volunteers.

Tom then returned to his Outdoor Recreation background, becoming the Director of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Essex, Vermont. He managed a 2200-acre park system including 18 parks, an innumerable number of trails, an outdoor swimming pool, public buildings and recreation programs.

Tom then returned to Colorado as Director of Parks, Recreation and Open Space for the Highlands Ranch Metro District. He led the efforts that created a model “green infrastructure community“ with a 3,000 acre parks and open space system comprised of 24 parks, over 70 miles of trails, 2500 acres of open space, four dog parks, two skate parks, 33 buildings and shelters, and a USTA national award winning tennis center. Tom created partnerships with local, county and state parks, open space and trails agencies, non-profit organizations, utility companies, the Douglas County School District, Littleton Fire Rescue, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Douglas County Libraries, the Highlands Ranch Chamber of Commerce, the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, businesses, homeowner associations and service groups.

Tom is a forward-thinking, collaborative, consensus-building leader with a 30-year record of developing innovative and outstanding parks, recreation, open space and trails programs and services. A PLAN Jeffco Board member participated in the interview process, and we are certain that Tom can effectively direct the Jefferson County Open Space program.

As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, Tom will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Commissioners Dinner. At that time he will have the opportunity to inform the audience of his philosophies and goals as they relate to managing Jefferson County Open Space. 

Open Space Proposed 2011 Budget

Open Space creates its budget on a 5-year basis. This allows for planning of trail and park capital improvements. Revenues for the program are approximately $33,000,000 per year (2010) with a projected 2% annual growth. In addition Open Space may realize a $1,700,000 savings in 2010-2011 by refinancing the 2001 series of bonds this fall.

The five-year budget is summarized in the table below. Significant items include an annual 3% increase in Operations and Management. Note that the County is proposing freezing salaries for 2011. Internal costs, for those services provided by other County agencies, are anticipated to be at or slightly below 2010 levels. Addition of two staff members are included – a Park Services Specialist (service to restrooms, shelters, and parking lots) and a Trail Specialist (trail maintenance and construction.) There has been only one staff person added to the Park and Trail Maintenance Staff since 2002.

No significant capital expenditures are anticipated. The acquisitions budget primarily covers land lease payments and water assessments. Note that property acquisitions are paid from the Bond Fund account which is not included in the budget. The Bond Fund balance presently is about $8,000,000.

Park and trail development plans are budgeted at an average of $2,000,000 per year and for 2011 include:

Hildebrand Ranch Park: Trailhead facilities – restroom and picnic shelter (The Jeffco Open Space Foundation will be contributing $20,000 toward these facilities.)

Reynolds Park: Design of trailhead facilities for the connection to the Colorado Trail.

White Ranch Park: paving of the West entrance road.

Pine Valley Lodge: continue exterior restoration of the Baer Lodge.

South Table Mountain: Entry road, trail head, restroom, and parking lot from Quaker Street.

Crown Hill Park: Continue to phase in surfacing more trails with crusher fines.

Apex Park: Improving the East trailhead parking lot plus a restroom.

Van Bibber Trail: planning for the regional trail from Van Bibber Park to the Fairmont Trail. Construction is scheduled for 2010.

Auxiliary Shop: $200,000 is included in 2011 to finish funding the shop. A design/build contract will be approved in 2010. The shop will be adjacent to the Fossil Trace maintenance facility on County-owned land.

Future Developments: $400,000-$500,000 in 2012 to 2015 for not yet determined development.

Joint Venture Grants will be maintained at $2,000,000 annually and $300,000 is being reserved to assist R-1 in installing synthetic turf at Alameda High School.

Note that the Designated Reserve is Statemandated and becomes available in the next budget year.

Five-Year Budgeting Strategy – values are in Millions $

Description   2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Sales Tax, County Share   22.7 23.1 23.6 24.1 24.5 25.0 25.5
Other Income   1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Operation/Maintenance   9.53 10.13 10.10 10.40 10.71 11.03 11.36
Capital Equipment   0 0.22 0 0 0 0 0
Acquisitions   0.01 0.06 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Bond Service   9.37 10.88 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18
Park/Trail Development   3.81 2.25 2.97 4.12 0.98 0.89 1.04
JV Grants   2.50 4.82 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Designated Reserve   0 0 1.55 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.70
Total Budget Obligation   -1.42 -4.36 -5.41 -6.41 -3.23 -4.81 -3.03
Carry forward Fund Balance   32.73 31.28 26.92 23.06 18.24 16.64 13.50
Available Fund Balance   31.28 26.92 21.51 16.65 15.01 11.83 10.47