Joint Venture Grants

On January 11, 2007, OSAC met to hear requests for Joint Venture Grants and Conservation Trust Fund Awards. Open Space budgets $2,000,000 each year to be used for Joint Venture grants with the cities and park and recreation districts. The Board of County Commissioners allocated $150,000 of Conservation Trust Funds (the County’s share of lottery funds) for OSAC to distribute to park and recreation districts and appropriate non-profit organizations.

2007 Joint Venture Grants include:

Arvada: $250,000 for Phase II soccer fields at Long Lake Park.

Columbine Knolls: $89,092 for pool house roof and \improvements and parking lot repairs.

Evergreen Park: $200,000 for Phase II recreation center renovation.

Foothills Parl: $330,233 for Clement Park repairs, playground replacement, and improvements to the Village Green at Easton Regional Park.

Golden: $147,250 for light at Lions Park and amenities at the new Rooney Sports Complex.

Lakewood: $400,000 for Phase I improvements to Ray Ross Park.

Normandy Estates: $20,000 for pool slide and water features.

North Jeffco: $75,000 for ADA renovations at the tennis center.

Pleasant View: $32,050 for a trail connection to the Community Park.

Prospect: $100,000 for Phase II of Crestview Park.

Westminster: $200,000 for restroom and trail at Standley Lake Park campground and trail improvements at Kensington Park.

Wheat Ridge: $116,375 for restroom and concession building at Creekside Park.

Conservation Trust Fund Awards:

Beaver Ranch Community, Inc.: $14,000 for fencing playground and flooring upgrades to lodge floors.

Friends of Dinosaur ridge: $20,000 for shelter on Triceratops Trail on Fossil Trace Golf Course.

Humphrey Memorial Park: $11,500 for restroom and event tent.

Pleasant View: $19,500 for park amenities.

Prospect Park: $15,000 for playground irrigation at Prospect Arena.

Senior Resource Center: $20,000 for parking lot renovation at Yellow House in Evergreen.

South Suburban Park: $10,000 for playground improvements.

The Butterfly Pavilion: $10,000 for plant materials for Discovery Garden.

West Denver Trout Unlimited: $30,000 for stream restoration of Clear Creek.

2001 PLAN Jeffco Commissioners Dinner

Plan to attend the annual PLAN Jeffco dinner meeting with the Commissioners, OSAC, and Open Space staff.

November 8, 2001

Social Hour at 6:00 P.M., Buffet Dinner at 7:00 P.M., Dinner cost is: $25 per person.

Mount Vernon County Club, 24933 Clubhouse Circle, Golden CO 80401, Canyon Trail Room.

Our Featured Speaker will be:

Bill Broderick the Regional Planner for The Denver Regional Council of Governments.

Bill will talk about the role of Open Space in DRCOG’s Future Plans.

For reservations or information, call:

Sandy Bryant – 303.526.0234

Gretchen Larson – 303.526.9629

What: Opportunity to talk to Commissioners, OSAC members and staff

Why: Because the Open Space Program is important to all of us

How much: $27 per person