Class-1 e-bikes allowed at Open Space Parks

After one year on a trial basis, Jeffco Open Space revealed Oct. 23 that some power-assisted bicycles would be allowed on all trails, according to a report in the Evergreen Canyon Courier. JCOS previously has experimented with allowing bikes on paved trails and bikeways as well as natural surface trails.

Class 1 is the lowest of three classes of e-bikes and is motorized only when the rider is pedaling. The top speed allowed with assistance is 20 mph.

Mary Ann Bonnell, visitors service manager, unveiled the decision at a staff briefing with commissioners, according to the Courier. Of the 59 comments about bikes, 54 percent were positive, 29 percent neutral and 17 percent negative.

Update: March 2019, Open Space will permit Class 1 E-bikes on all trails and Class 2 E-bikes on paved trails.


Possible bike link from town of Morrison to Red Rocks

Mountain bikers are working with Jeffco Open Space to create a trail link between Morrison, Red Rocks and Matthews/Winters Park.


The Canyon Courier reported March 7 that the Colorado Mountain Bike Association submitted a proposal to build a multiuse trail from the town of Morrison to Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks entrance along Highway 93 and potentially north to Matthews/Winters.


COMBA is in discussions with the Morrison Town Board and Planning Commission to get a plan approved. Some of the land involved is part of Denver Mountain Parks.


For more information on this development see