Beginning February 15, 2015, Jeffco Open Space will implement a climbing closure in Clear Creek Canyon Park. Four crags and 12 routes used for climbing in Clear Creek Canyon Park will be closed for the protection of nesting golden eagles. This seasonal closure through July 31, 2015 will ensure compliance with the Federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
To minimize disturbance to golden eagles, the following areas will be closed: Stumbling Block, Bumbling Stock, and Skinny Legs/Blonde Formation. These crags are all within one-quarter mile and within sight of a nesting area that has a bolted climbing route directly below it. These areas are located west of tunnel one in Clear Creek Canyon.
Jeffco Open Space raptor monitoring volunteers, natural resources staff and park rangers will monitor this site and enforce the closure. If the pair of eagles does not show signs of nesting in the identified areas by May 15, 2015, the seasonal closure will be lifted so that climbing can take place in this area.
Violations of this closure may result in a fine of $100,000, imprisonment, or both. For more information on The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668c), enacted in 1940 visit:
Jeffco Open Space was founded as a land conservation organization in 1972 to preserve land, protect park and natural resources and provide healthy nature-based experiences. We are funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax that has preserved over 53,617 acres and created 28 regional parks and 230 miles of trails in Jefferson County.
For questions or additional information contact Thea Rock, or 303‐271‐5902