Wrangler’s Run at White Ranch Park Reopens

TRAIL CLOSD WHR map 8_5x11 0215 B

White Ranch Park. Wrangler’s Run Trail reopens, but the Mustang Trail (in red) remains closed until July 2015.

News release from Thea Rock, JCOS Communications Manager,    trock@jeffco.us or 303-271-5902

Wrangler’s Run at White Ranch Park will reopen to recreation by the end of the day on
Tuesday, February 10. The 0.5-mile trail was heavily damaged in the September 2013 floods
and is reopening thanks in part to support from Jeffco Open Space Trails Volunteers. About 400
feet of the trail has been rerouted to better withstand future storms.

Volunteers at White Ranch Park

Volunteers work on the trails at White Ranch Park.

Mustang Trail remains closed. This 2.2-mile trail will be rerouted and open to the public by July 2015.

Throughout flood recovery, Jeffco Open Space has benefited from funds from the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and Great Outdoors Colorado.

Jeffco Open Space asked to buy Journey Ranch by Conifer Area Council

A giant chair built on the Journey Ranch property by members of the Journey Church, circa 2013. The Journey Church has since left the Conifer area.

A giant chair built on the Journey Ranch property by members of the Journey Church, circa 2013. The Journey Church has since left the Conifer area.


 From the Canyon Courier, Feb 10th 2015

    by Gabrielle Porter

 “The Conifer Area Council has asked Jeffco Open Space to consider buying the 45-acre ranch owned by the now-defunct Journey Community Church to complete CAC’s goal of connecting Conifer’s trails…”

Read the entire article at


Climbing Closure in Clear Creek Canyon Park for Raptor Resource Protection

EagleBeginning February 15, 2015, Jeffco Open Space will implement a climbing closure in Clear Creek Canyon Park. Four crags and 12 routes used for climbing in Clear Creek Canyon Park will be closed for the protection of nesting golden eagles. This seasonal closure through July 31, 2015 will ensure compliance with the Federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

To minimize disturbance to golden eagles, the following areas will be closed: Stumbling Block, Bumbling Stock, and Skinny Legs/Blonde Formation. These crags are all within one-quarter mile and within sight of a nesting area that has a bolted climbing route directly below it. These areas are located west of tunnel one in Clear Creek Canyon.

Jeffco Open Space raptor monitoring volunteers, natural resources staff and park rangers will monitor this site and enforce the closure. If the pair of eagles does not show signs of nesting in the identified areas by May 15, 2015, the seasonal closure will be lifted so that climbing can take place in this area.

Violations of this closure may result in a fine of $100,000, imprisonment, or both. For more information on The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668c), enacted in 1940 visit: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/midwestbird/eaglepermits/bagepa.html

Jeffco Open Space was founded as a land conservation organization in 1972 to preserve land, protect park and natural resources and provide healthy nature-based experiences. We are funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax that has preserved over 53,617 acres and created 28 regional parks and 230 miles of trails in Jefferson County.

For questions or additional information contact Thea Rock, trock@jeffco.us or 303‐271‐5902






Jeffco Open Space Volunteer Recruitment Fair

From observing wildlife and assisting visitors to bringing history to life, volunteers find many ways to contribute to Jeffco Open Space. Learn about all the opportunities by dropping in at a Volunteer Recruitment Fair on Thursday, February 12 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Jeffco Open Space Administration Building, 700 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, CO 80401. For more info, visit http://jeffco.us/open-space/volunteer/job-descriptions/.

Many Thanks,

Will Lebzelter
Communications Associate
Jeffco Open Space

Apex Park Closed Nov. 19-20 for Bridges Delivery; White Ranch Park Trail Closures Nov. 20 morning

2014-Vicky-01_rider on Pick & SledgeApex Park is scheduled to be closed starting at 5 p.m. Wed., Nov. 19 and continuing all day on Thurs., Nov. 20. The closure will allow for safe and efficient staging and delivery of materials for new bridges along several sections of heavily damaged lower Apex Trail. Also on Nov. 20, from 7 a.m. to noon, portions of trails in the southwest section of White Ranch Park—Sawmill, Mustang and Upper Belcher Hill—will be closed for staging and delivery of materials to repair trail damage along Mustang and Wrangler’s Run. See map. The historic floods of September 2013 caused severe damage at both Jeffco Open Space Parks.

Jeffco Open Space plans to reopen all Apex Trail by November 26. Closed trail sections at White Ranch Park will be reopened in 2015. Since September 2013, there have been months of planning, labor by staff and volunteers, and a required review of major trail repair plans in order to receive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood recovery funds. When Apex Trail reopens in its entirety, directional travel for mountain bikers—one-way travel on odd dates—will be reinstated.

Tim Sandsmark
Lookout Region Supervisor
Jeffco Open Space
720-497-7602 direct
303-916-6553 mobile




Trail Completed from Reynolds Park to South Platte

Reynolds Park trailThe long anticipated connection from Reynolds Park, which is near Conifer, to the Colorado Trail opened October 11. The 9.3 miles of natural surface trail is open hikers, bikers and equestrians. For details see the news release at the Jeffco Open Space site, http://jeffco.us/parks/news/2014/north-fork-trail-opens-saturday,-october-11-in-south-jeffco/

Jeffco Open Space and Parks Receives National Agency Accreditation

Matthews-Winters Jeffco Open Space & Parks has recently earned National Agency Accreditation from CAPRA, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies. This accreditation is in recognition to JCOS’ commitment to excellence.

The accreditation process is a self-assessment which is then reviewed during a CAPRA on-site visitation, which was done last July. The CAPRA Commission rendered their decision on October 13, based on their assertion that JCOS met 143 of 144 established CAPRA standards. Jeffco Open Space and Parks is now CAPRA Accredited through 2018 when the agency must seek re-accreditation.

Read the full story at http://jeffco.us/parks/news/2014/jeffco-open-space-and-parks-receives-national-agency-accreditation/



Douglas Mountain listening log_first page image

On the 22nd of October, Jeffco Open Space held a Community Meeting to discuss the proposed acquisition of 964 acres on the top of Douglas Mountain. This is the first page of the listening log — a summary of feedback from the audience. Click on the image to see a clearer copy; read the entire listening log here:  http://jeffco.us/parks/documents/douglas-mountain-documents/jcos-listening-log-douglas-mountain-community-meeting-final/



Aldefer Three SistersFrom: Thea Rock, Thursday, October 30, 2014
Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) will be forming a working group to study the feasibility of single use trails within JCOS Parks. JCOS currently provides 236 miles of trail for outdoor, nature-based experiences. While the majority of these trails are open to hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian use under our multi-use definition, 21.5 miles offers an experience for specific user types. Today, JCOS offers 14 miles of hiker only, 7 miles of hiker and equestrian only and 0.5 miles of bike only trails. An additional 18.75 miles have some type of directional or alternating use management in place.
With the goal of being responsive to our user communities and reducing the potential for trail conflict, this working group will be assessing the effectiveness of our existing single use trails and exploring the possibility of providing this experience on new or existing trails.
This Working Group for Single Use Trails will be formed from JCOS staff, partner agencies, user advocacy groups and interested citizens. The purpose will be to explore the feasibility of single use trails in Jefferson County Open Space. The outcome of this working group will be a report on group findings that should include the pros and cons of providing single use trails in the Parks, and if applicable, indicate potential test sites with monitoring programs to gauge effectiveness. The Group will make a recommendation of action to JCOS management team.
The Group makeup will consist of 3 to 4 JCOS staff members, 9 to 10 representatives from user advocacy groups, reps from other partner agencies, and interested citizens. To apply, interested citizens must submit a resume and letter of interest to Dave Davenport, Outdoor Recreation Management Coordinator, by end of business, Friday, November 14, 2014 to ddavenpo@jeffco.us or 700 Jeffco Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, CO 80401.
Selection criteria of Working Group members will include but is not limited to: residency or business interest in Jefferson County; involvement with JCOS as a volunteer, advocate, or have conducted permitted activities in the Parks; and individuals who identify themselves with more than one user group.

JCOS Hosts ‘Trails Talk’ Forum Wed 10/29

Jeffco Open Space to Hold Follow-Up ‘Trails Talk’ Forum

Jeffco Open Space is hosting a second Trails Talk public forum this year to continue the dialog on experiences in the parks and on the trails. Come to listen, join the conversation, or sign up to put boots on the ground.

This event will be held on Wednesday, October 29, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., at the American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St, Golden, CO 80401 in the first floor conference rooms.

In addition to talk of flood recovery, Jeffco Open Space will provide an update on new trails, the status of working groups, and volunteer involvement opportunities. Following a presentation, staff experts will be available for one-on-one questions on a variety of topics.

Jeffco Open Space was founded as a land conservation organization in 1972 to preserve land, protect park and natural resources and provide healthy nature-based experiences. We are funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax that has preserved over 53,000 acres and created 28 regional parks and 230 miles of trails in Jefferson County.

For more information contact Thea Rock, Jeffco Open Space
303-271-5902, trock@jeffco.us