There’s a New Trail in Town

By now, nearly every follower of PLAN Jeffco knows about the Peaks to Plains Trail and how it winds through the Clear Creek Canyon Open Space Park. The most-recent under-development section has been dubbed “the Gateway Segment”, since it gives visitors a way to walk (or bike) from the middle of Golden, up through the Grant Terry Trail, into Clear Creek Canyon.

But there’s an even better new trail in town – the Welch Ditch Trail, which runs above the Gateway Segment, along the south wall of Clear Creek Canyon.

The Welch Ditch was one of many that delivered mountain snow and rain to population centers near the Front Range. Build in the 1870s by Charles Welch, a local businessman, the Welch Ditch provided water to Golden City and western Jefferson County, enabling businesses, farmers and even the Colorado School of Mines to prosper.

What was (and still is) so special about the Welch Ditch is the wooden flume. If you’ve ever paid attention as you travel along 6th Avenue as it first enters the Canyon, you’ve wondered how anyone could construct anything along the nearly-sheer rock walls on the south side. The engineers who originally built the Welch Ditch constructed a flume, a human-made channel built out of wood, powered by gravity, open to the skies, that was used to transport water into Golden. The stream from this Ditch powered the brewery and multiple industrial mills as it flowed on to water the farmlands of what is now western Jeffco and Lakewood.

There are two access points to the Welch Ditch. The eastern-most is a down-and-up-again scramble from the Gateway Trailhead, over a small riparian area that’s protected by an elevated trail, then up the south wall to the trail.

At this time of year (mid-August) the chokecherry harvest is in full swing.

The western access point to the Ditch is from the creek-side trail. The Tunnel 1 Trailhead is the closest parking lot. Head west to the Welch Ditch Bridge, then up a flight of steps, and carry on eastward.

The views are spectacular; you’re directly below Mount Galbraith Open Space Park to the north, while Centennial Cone is to the west.

The Welch Ditch Trail is hiker-only. The half-mile long flume has been totally rebuilt of wood protected by creosote. The trails that stretch on either side of the flume are narrow dirt-and-rock, what one would think of as true hiker trails, not especially difficult, with mild ascents and descents. The climbing area, which lies on the Trail, is very well-defined and protected by low concrete walls. When Miss Mountain Manners was hiking the Trail, there were two groups of climbers who seemed to be enjoying themselves, as they scaled the sheer rock walls.


Below the Welch Ditch Trail, the Gateway Segment Trail stretches along Clear Creek. On the photo, the trail is at the bottom, on the south side of Clear Creek. Access to the Trail at this point is west of the Tunnel 1 Trailhead (at the top of the photo), to the Tough Cuss Bridge. This is a wide, stained concrete trail that can readily accommodate hikers, strollers, and even recumbent bikers.  There are brand new (and full flush) restrooms at both Trailheads, along with 136 parking space at the Gateway Trailhead and 41 parking spaces at the Tunnel 1 Trailhead.

Some fun facts and features about the Gateway Segment (taken from the Fact Sheet, dated 8/18/2021 – download your own copy here):

  • This segment of the Peaks to Plains Trail includes approximately 22,140 square feet of sidewalk and 47,520 feet (9 miles) of cable on the pedestrian railing.
  • The amount of dirt transported to and from the project site could fill 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • 5,280 feet of railing was installed in the Gateway Segment, a true mile-high project.
  • 1,495 linear feet of Type 9 Concrete Barrier was built for this project, to create a safety buffer between Hwy 6 and visitors on the trail. This is more than the height of the Empire State Building.
  • The Tough Cuss Bridge weighs a total of 85,950 pounds. It was transported in three segments, and required closing the highway for 12 hours to install.
  • 128,000 permeable pavers were installed for the Gateway Trailhead parking lot, creating a permeable surface that allows storm water to seep into the ground.
  • Many of the walls on this project were constructed with Redi-Rock Blocks, which are a lot like gigantic Legos. In total the project used about 5,254 of these blocks.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to remind everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Dog on Leash — it’s so important!

In the early summer of 2021 a tiny, 10-month-old cockapoo disappeared while hiking with her family in the Maroon Bells/Snowmass Wilderness Area near Aspen. “Bella” was not on lead; she was walking with her human and canine family when something caught her attention and she wandered off-trail. By the time anyone noticed that she was missing, she’s wandered into the woods and was lost.

For the next 4 weeks Bella somehow managed to stay alive, eating whatever she could find, drinking out of rainwater pools and streams, and hiding — hiding from humans and from predators that would have gladly had her for lunch. She was in survival mode, terrified of everyone and everything, focusing only on staying alive from one day to the next.

And then the near-impossible happened, she was found by a human passer-by who possessed the skills and intuition that it took to coax a terrified little dog (by that time she had lost half her body weight and was down to 4 pounds) into the safety of his car. Bella was safely reunited with her people. The wounds she’d received during her month-long sojourn in the wild were tended to, and she returned home to safety.

This story had a happy ending, but happy endings where lost dogs are concerned are not the norm. By some estimates, under the very best of circumstances, only 1 in 5 lost dogs are ever reunited with their people. When a dog is lost in a wilderness area, the statistics can plummet.

Jefferson County Open Space has a regulation concerning dogs in the parks — they’re to be kept on lead and attached to their humans at all times. They’re not allowed to run loose, they’re not allowed to chase wildlife, they’re not allowed to chase other park visitors. This regulation is not meant to be “mean”, it’s meant to ensure that your fur-buddy doesn’t end up as another “Bella”, with an 80%+ chance of never being seen again.

Avoid the heartbreak of loosing your best friend; stay connected. Stay safe. Both of you.



Open Space Update – July 2021

So much has happened during this very busy month of July! Let’s dig in and see what Open Space has been up to!


Win-win is an understatement with this land conservation effort.  After numerous discussions with the Goltra family, JCOS plans to permanently preserve 1,192 of the 4,800 acres they own just outside Golden adjacent to Mount Galbraith, Clear Creek Canyon and Centennial Cone Parks.

The acquisition of this beautiful property continues the nearly fifty-year-long legacy of preserving land for conservation and public enjoyment.  JCOS has been working with the conservation-minded Goltra family and Martin Marietta Materials to bring this to fruition.  This property preserves more than double the acreage acquired in the 2004 exchange with the prior mine owner, LaFarge.  That exchange preserved 522 acres, primarily at North Table Mountain Park.

Next steps for the Goltra acquisition and HSE Agreement Amendment include consideration by the Jeffco Open Space Advisory Committee on August 5, 2021, for their recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners.



The Human-Wildlife Interactions 2021 Quarterly Report is in and it was a big quarter for bear sightings across our system of parks.  13 sightings were reported for a total of 17 individuals, including cubs.  Here are some excerpts from the interactions as reported by our visitors:

WSP: Running on Gudy Gaskill Trail from the west today, I came down into a little draw and heard the “huff” sound of a bear and looked to see the bear running away from me directly down the draw.  The bear stopped after a bit and watched to see what I would do.  I stayed still for a while, then walked further on the trail, which put me above and farther from the bear.  As I slowly climbed past (about 100 ft away at this point), the bear decided to leave, and turned and took off up the hill on the other side.

PVR: When walking back eastbound from the west termination of the Narrow Gage Trail, my wife and I sighted a black bear beside the fence along the trail about 50 or 60 yards ahead of us.  The bear was on the opposite side (north) of the fence from the trail.  The bear raised on its hind legs and balanced on a fence post with its front legs and stared at us for 10 or 15 seconds. This surprised us because with previous bear sightings, the bear has always immediately scampered away. 

In both cases, no negative interactions were reported. If you sight a bear, or any other critter, for that matter, and you want to report the sighting, go to and fill out the form. Jeffco Open Space staff strives to balance the protection and preservation of wildlife and their habitat while promoting a safe and positive visitor experience. Visitors that provide information on wildlife interactions play a critical role as stewards and partners in managing wildlife. All reports are anonymous.



In April of this year, JCOS hosted a virtual community meeting to discuss proposed trailhead expansion, a parking management plan, and visitor management strategies. The results of the 30-day public comment period are in, check out the report at



The Trails Team continues to make great progress on construction of stairs and creek access points. The Buildings & Historic Sites Team is busy constructing the entry signs.

The Building and Historic Sites team finished up the restroom, it passed final inspection from the City of Golden.

The Trails Team completed construction of the beautiful timber stairs that links the main Trail to the Welch Ditch trail.

Final Update Video of the Gateway Segment
The JCOS contractor and staff are working towards completing finishing touches on the Gateway Segment, nearing the volunteer and employee preview days, and the official ‘cable cutting’, which is currently scheduled for August 25th.  This part of the Clear Creek Trail has taken nearly 2-1/2 years to complete. You can view its progress on the Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Segment Construction Updates
YouTube channel; it’s truly a wonderful project.  The most recent video update is now available >> Watch the video



Trail construction to Jenkins Peak continues at Elk Meadow Park.









The Nature Center at the Lookout Mountain Preserve is once again open after over a year of COVID shutdown. Check the schedule for all the upcoming educational programs and events at







Back in June of 1874 a School of Mines geology class was hiking on South Table when a student found a large serrated tooth. Edward Berthoud, who was at the time a Geologist at the School of Mines, packed up the tooth and sent it to O.C.Marsh, a leading vertebrate paleontologist at Yale University.

The tooth lay unstudied, in the Yale collection, until 2000, when Dr. Kenneth Carpenter, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, identified it as Tyrannosaurus rex tooth. It only took 126 years to get it figured out, but the South Table Mountan tooth is the first fossil evidence of T. rex ever discovered.

The trail that will traverse the easement included in the DOE Land Exchange at South Table will be named “T. Rex Tooth”. Now it’s up to you to help protect South Table. Prospecting or collecting fossils is not allowed. If you spot a fossil that has weathered out after a rain or snow event, notify JCOS or DMNS immediately. Removing a fossil from a site without thorough documentation can compromise historical understanding.  Illustration of the tooth is by Edward Berthoud.





It’s true that (generally) air temperature decreases as you move up-elevation, and Mount Galbraith tops out at 7260 feet. But even the cooler air at elevation cannot guarantee protection from heat stroke. On 7/20, Jeffco Rangers assisted with a helicopter evacuation of a heat-related medical emergency on Mount Galbraith. A young man presented with symptoms of heatstroke – rapid pulse, disorientation, delirium, loss of consciousness, flushed skin, no perspiration.

You can prevent heat-related medical emergencies. Dehydration exacerbates heatstroke. Monitor for signs of heat stress including headache, nausea, poor coordination, and fatigue. Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water and take breaks in the shade before you think you need to.



 It’s hot out there, and as much as we all love to hike with our best fur-friends, maybe it’s better to leave them at home until the weather (and the surface of the trails) cools down a bit. Dogs don’t sweat like we do, so they can’t get rid of the excess heat that can build up to the point where it’s life-threatening. Do you know the signs of heatstroke in dogs? If you notice:

  • Rapid panting
  • Bright red tongue
  • Red or pale gums
  • Thick, sticky saliva
  • Weakness/constant desire to sit or lie down
  • Wanting to stop and lay down
  • Vomiting/diarrhea
  • Shock

Then you need to take immediate action:

  • Seek shade immediately
  • Wet dog with cool water or wet cloth on foot pads, groin, armpits, and ears
  • Fan air on dog
  • Take dog to vet as soon as possible


Heatstroke isn’t the only danger to dogs in the parks. Rattlesnakes happen. Their home is the park; we are only visitors. KEEP DOGS ON LEAD. Keep one earbud out. Wear close-toed shoes. Be aware of your surroundings. Teach children how to be safe in rattlesnake country.

Do you know what to do when you encounter a rattlesnake? It’s something called the 30/30 rule:

  • Back away by 30 feet;
  • Give the rattler 30 decide to leave;
  • Repeat as necessary;
  • Do NOT throw rocks or try to move the snake, that only serves to make them defensive.

Do you know what to do if you get bitten by a rattlesnake?

  • Call 911 immediately, give them an EXACT location;
  • Keep the bitten area at or below the level of the heart;
  • Take off jewelry or any other constricting item (anticipate swelling);
  • DO NOT cut, suck, or ice the bite area.

Do you know what to do if your dog gets bitten by a rattlesnake?

  • Know before you go – find the veterinary closest to the Park that stocks antivenom.
  • Immediately transport your pet to that veterinary.



SLASH means something other than twigs and brush – it stands for Sustainable Lands And Safer Homes. Jeffco Open Space is partnering with the County as they provide a rotating sequence of slash (the twigs and brush) locations for drop off over the summer.

What’s accepted?  Tree debris, limbs up to 8 feet in length and a maximum diameter of 6 inches, loose pine needles, tree bark, and pine cones. Leaves are accepted at the Thunder Valley location only.

You can bag the little stuff, but be prepared to dump out the debris at the drop off site. Take the bags home, refill them, and come by again.

Don’t bring construction material or lumber, household trash, metal of any kind, rocks, tree stumps, yard waste or grass clippings.

The cost is modest, $20 a load (6 cubic yards, 162 cubic feet), credit cards only. For detailed information on what constitutes a “load” go to Check the Slash Collection Calendar for the date of the closest location to you.



Applications for the Jeffco Open Space Trails Partnership Program (TPP) are available now! If you haven’t heard about this program, and you are part of an organization that could use financial support for trails and connectors, you may want to head on over to and check it out.

The TPP provides financial support to partners seeking to meet the goals of the Jeffco Trails Plan: improve safety, provide equitable access, and increase connectivity of Jefferson County trails or greenspaces. Applications are due on September 20 with expected January 2022 funding.

During the first year of the TPP (2020-21), over $2.7M was gifted to partners who applied for the TPP. The projects ranged from trail bridge maintenance to trails several miles long, so no project is too small or too large. Apply now!



Take advantage of JCOS’ pilot program that aims to shuttle visitors to and from the Open Space parks while avoiding the hassle of overcrowded trailhead parking. The pilot program is servicing three parks: North Table Mountain, west trailhead; South Table Mountain, Camp George West and the Golden Hills access points; White Ranch, east trailhead. Through the end of the year, Lyft users can take advantage of a $2.50 reduction in fare, each direction. Discounts will be valid during park hours, seven days a week, to these locations.

Going somewhere not serviced by the Lyft discount? Download the Lot Spot app and check for parking availability ahead of time. Fourteen (14) trailheads are Lot Spot enabled.

Don’t forget, some parks and trails may be closed for seasonal or construction reasons, so check before heading out.



At Jeffco Open Space Parks:

No campfires, including at campgrounds.

No charcoal grills or open flames – visitors are allowed to use liquid or gas fueled grills or camp stoves in designated camping and picnic areas only.

No smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or a developed trailhead area that is devoid of all vegetation. Visitors must safely and properly dispose of all cigarette butts.

In general and at your home:

Keep an eye out for Red Flag warnings and limit hazardous activity on those days.

Properly dispose of cigarette butts in receptacles.

Do not burn brush or trash.

Avoid parking in dry grass.

Do not operate machinery which could cause sparks or open flames (torches, chainsaws, etc.).

Keep trailer chains from dragging on the ground and sparking.

Create a defensible space around your home by using the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) zone concept.

Choose fire-resistant plants.

Regularly prune trees, mow grassy areas, and remove dead and dry plants that could fuel a fire.

Take advantage of the Jeffco SLASH program and recycle your slash at a safe facility.



Let’s hear it for the Open Space Ranger team!  In the second quarter of 2021, our Rangers made over 9,000 informal Stewardship Education contacts along our Open Space trails and at the  trailheads.  Rangers gave 550 verbal warnings to correct compliance concerns.  Rangers issued 79 written warnings and 98 tickets in the 2nd Quarter.  Top three offenses were Parking, Control of Pet, and Posted Notice.  Rangers picked up 619 unattended poop bags and properly disposed of them in waste receptacles.  Overall education contacts, including social media, traditional media and ranger programs totaled 675,658!



Through an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for interdepartmental transfer between JCOS and the Jeffco Sheriff’s Office, JCOS is now the proud manager of a Type VI Brush Truck.  The truck will be used for fire suppression on JCOS managed lands.  The truck will be utilized by a future JCOS Wildland Fire Team (WFT).  The Ranger team is currently crafting safety, equipment, certification, and management trigger SOPs for the WFT.  The WFT will comprise current JCOS employees authorized, through specific training and certifications, to respond at a higher level than routine operations to wildfires on JCOS lands or bordering lands that may impact JCOS property. When responding to a fire, the WFT will operate as a mutual aid resource under the command of the fire Incident Commander.





It’s time to start sharing your ideas about how to spend the $$$ that will be flowing to Jefferson County through the American Rescue Plan Act. On the Jeffco website there’s a form through which the community can provide input to help develop funding ideas and prioritize community needs.  This link to will help those who would like to provide input on the Plan to make sure that all ideas and proposals get collected and reviewed. These digital entries and are much easier to organize and track than emails or voicemails coming in from many sources. Share your ideas now by going to and taking the survey.


What a month! Miss Mountain Manners is astonished at how busy the Parks are in the summertime! It pays to check ahead, to confirm that you will be able to park safely and responsibly when you get there. The idea of having a chauffeur take you to the trailhead is intriguing. After a long and arduous experience in the park, the driver can pick you up and transport you to your favorite spot for a refreshing post-hike libation, then take you directly home. How much better could this get?

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.


Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Open Space Update – June 2021

Let’s see what JCOS has been up to in the month of June…


A park visitor alerted Ranger Billy Hall to an Elk carcass in the meadow near Silver Fox Trail. When Billy inspected it, it was covered with dead grass, a sure sign of a mountain lion kill site. According to the Santa Cruz Puma Project (UC Santa Cruz and CA Fish & Game), here are some additional ways to discern a mountain lion kill: Lions tend to eat the chest-area organs first (lungs, heart, liver). Lions remove the stomach (called the rumen) when they first open the chest cavity and bury it a few feet away from the body.  This prevents stomach acids from spoiling the meat over the 3-5 days it will take the lion to finish eating. Lions will nip or “shave” the hair off the body with their incisors before they start chewing into it.  Think of a surgeon shaving the patient before cutting.  The clumps of nipped hair are about 1” across – the distance between the lion’s canine teeth.


Development of Beaver Ranch Park is moving ahead on schedule. The Trails Team used the new dozer to cut 1,100 feet of trail in one afternoon.


JCOS completed the purchase of the 58-acre Ramstetter property this week!  The northernmost portion of the property can be seen from Golden Gate Canyon Road & Centennial Cone Park, and is part of a broader preservation effort planned for the Park and the Douglas Mountain Study Area.  This acquisition is a strategic priority to ensure the viewshed to and from the property is preserved.


The Buildings & Historic Sites Team fabricated the steel hand railing along the stairs that the Trails Team constructed. The Trails Team cautiously removed large amounts of poison ivy and began trail construction to connect the Gateway Trailhead to the Creek access points. The BHS Team continues to put the finishing touches on the restroom. Opening ceremonies are planned for the end of August…


JCOS contractors completed the installation of metal railing at two locations within the Big Easy trailhead. The railing protects the federally threatened Ute ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis), growing near the ADA picnic shelter, and discourages visitor shortcutting across riparian habitat on the south side of the parking lot.


In the second week of June a call came through Jeffcom Dispatch for two critical female patients who were each struck by rockfall at the Highwire Crag in Clear Creek Canyon Park.  Rangers Krause, Joyce, Holzman, and Dargatz all responded to the scene and assisted in various aspects. The operation consisted of a low-angle belayed litter, with three litter attendants from Golden and West Metro Fire Departments tied in, near the entrance of Tunnel 2. Golden Fire also utilized a ladder truck to transfer the patient, and then lower the ladder with the patient to the ground, where a Flight for Life helicopter sat waiting on Highway 6 to transport the most critical patient to the hospital by air. JCOS Rangers were among the eight agencies that assisted in this rescue.  Great job by all!


The BHS Team fabricated and installed a new chimney cap on the Hiwan Museum.


Thanks to the sharp eyes and quick action of Park Services Specialists Chad Vidas and Steven Fernandez, a potentially dangerous situation was averted.  After spotting this three-foot rattlesnake near the door of the Golden Cliffs restroom, they called Jeffcom non-emergency and alerted visitors to the danger while they waited for a trained Animal Control officer to collect and move the snake to a safer location (for people and snake) in the Park. Photos are courtesy of artist and photographer, Chad Vidas.


The 2021 rattlesnake activity season is off to a severe start.  There have been two reported bites to dogs at North Table Mountain Park, one bite to a park visitor at East White Ranch Park, and numerous reports of snakes parked on or next to busy trails.  Please be aware of your surroundings and, when you have the chance, be sure you are sharing our most important rattlesnake safety messages: stay on authorized trails, wear closed-toe shoes, keep one earbud out, and always keep dogs on a leash.  These behaviors do not completely prevent bites, but they go a long way toward mitigating the risk of a bite.  If you encounter a snake, give it space and time to leave the area.  Do not approach it, poke it, throw things at it or attempt to move it.


Jeffco Open Space (JCOS) is excited to announce a pilot program giving park visitors the opportunity to take advantage of reduced fares from rideshare company Lyft, in hopes of helping with parking congestion at four of our busiest Front Range trailheads and access points.  The pilot program will serve North Table Mountain Park – West Trailhead, South Table Mountain Park – Camp George West Trailhead, South Table Mountain Park – Golden Hills Access and White Ranch Park – East Trailhead.  Beginning June 28 through December 31, Lyft users can take advantage of a $2.50 reduction in their fare each direction.  Discounts will be valid during park hours, seven days a week, to the four locations listed above.


Jeffco Open Space Rangers were involved in a search and rescue operation on the Beaver Brook Trail in early June. All ended well when the young man was found, safe and sound.


Jeffco Open Space (JCOS) is partnering with City of Lakewood, Gilpin County and Clear Creek County land managers and FRONT (Front Range Optimized and New Trails) to provide informal trail courtesy education pop-ups at select trailheads this summer.  Specific topics will include passing on trails, sharing the trail, pet safety and management, and minimizing visitor impact.  The pop-ups will be staffed by paid marketing professionals who also love trails.  JCOS staff provided basic training that included key stewardship messages, basic incident response and trailhead behavior expectations.  You will see the FRONT pop-ups at Apex, North Table Mountain (west trailhead) and White Ranch (east trailhead) Parks.   The first JCOS pop-up will be this weekend at Apex (June 12-13). This effort will continue through September 26.

2022 Trails Partnership Program

Applications for the 2022 Trails Partnership Program are now available.  The purpose of the Trails Partnership Program is to provide financial support to partners seeking to meet the goals of the Jeffco Trails Plan: improve safety, provide equitable access, and increase connectivity of Jefferson County trails or greenspaces.  Applications are due on September 20 with expected January 2022 funding.  Anyone who manages public land and/or provides public park and recreation services in Jefferson County and has a construction-ready project is eligible to apply. Check out the website at and the Info Sheet for more details on the application process or contact Trails Program Manager, Rachel Brenna, with any questions.

Colorado Front Range Trail (CFRT)

The CFRT Feasibility Study was kicked off the end of June in order to identify an alignment completing the regional trail connector through northern Jefferson County. Over the next year, the study will evaluate several alignment alternatives between North Table Mountain and the Boulder County line to identify a safe, enjoyable, and constructable trail connection for both community and regional use. The study is made possible through strong support from several area partners including DRCOG, City of Arvada, the Trust for Public Land, and CDOT. We are so excited to be leading these efforts in helping to improve safe access to recreation along the Front Range!

Burro Patrol – A New Way to Volunteer

The Burro Patrol is a pilot program to utilize specially trained adult volunteers that lead youth and pack burros in public outreach, education, and stewardship projects. They will help by collecting and packing out trash/cleanup bags in hard-to-reach areas with the hope of being a visible presence in parks.  The educational expectation will be to interact with visitors around trail courtesy and the importance of sharing the trail.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Open Space Update – May 2021

Despite a cold and snowy start to the month of May, JCOS was able to make good progress on many project fronts…read on!

Beaver Ranch Park

Trail construction is underway, and the Trails Team is making great progress.

Through an extensive community engagement process, the Beaver Ranch Park Master Plan was completed in 2017 and includes an outline for park-wide improvements.  The primary focus of the proposed improvements is to create a main trailhead at the Park’s entrance and limit the vehicular access beyond this new space.  The trailhead will become the primary parking destination for most visitors, and most amenities not included in the new trailhead design will be accessed on foot.

As a part of park-wide improvements included in the Master Plan, Jefferson County Open Space is considering a relocation of the dog off-leash area.  To get a better understanding of the community needs, a Beaver Ranch Dog-Off Leash survey was issued, which ran from April 1 – April 30.  To follow what’s happening at Beaver Ranch, click the link to the Open Space Beaver Ranch Park page.

Peak to Plains Trail

The Buildings & Historic Sites Team repaired railing along the trail damaged from a rockslide in early May (freeze-thaw, anyone?).

Lots of great progress happening in Clear Creek Canyon as JCOS races towards the Grand Opening in August.

The entire trail segment south of Clear Creek has been poured and awaits stain in late July.  The concrete entry drive for the Gateway Trailhead was poured in late May and the permeable pavers were scheduled to be completed by the end of that week.

At the Tunnel 1 Trailhead, the last lift of asphalt in the parking lot as well as the two new deceleration lanes were completed.  There’s still a lot of work to do, but JCOS is on track to open on August 5!

P2P Trail – Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Segment

Wet and cold temperatures in the early part of May allowed interior work to continue with electrical, plumbing fixtures and finishes installed.  Warmer temperatures in mid-month allowed for the installation of exterior stone, window manufacturing, more concrete and pavers.

As of the end of May, restroom roofing was completed and the roofing and rough plumbing both passed inspection.


South Valley Park – Raptor Report

One of the many reasons why South Valley Park is STAY ON TRAIL and STAY OFF ROCKS is to protect excellent raptor nesting habitat.

This year, the Natural Resources team has observed FIVE different species of raptors actively nesting in the Park, including golden eagles, prairie falcons, red-tailed hawks, great-horned owls and the smallest falcon, the American kestrel.

The hogback rock formations offer protected locations for nests and the surrounding grass/shrublands provide plenty of hunting habitat to feed young.  In the photo, a male (right) and female (left) kestrel share a small mammal snack.  Photo by volunteer raptor monitor, Audrey Boag.

Van Bibber Park

The Trails Team prepared for the Earth Day volunteer project on Saturday, April 24.  The focus of the project was natural surface trail construction, unauthorized trail restoration, fence installation and shrub/forb plantings.

Land Acreage Verification Project – Complete!

The Land Acreage Verification Project (LAVP) began with the need to understand the different types of acreage Jefferson County Open Space has contributed to preserving. Through an exhaustive and meticulous three-year collaboration between the Real Estate and GIS Teams, each JCOS land record was examined and its acreage verified, which has led to an accurate count of the preserved acreage: 54,318 acres. Moving forward, the Real Estate and GIS Teams will work together to ensure this number is accurate and up-to-date, and have developed processes to ensure that whenever someone asks how many acres JCOS is preserving, they can answer that question with confidence.

One of the later ideas that came of the LAVP was to create a simplified list of our land association types. The list below, called Land Preservation Types, is intended to make the information more easily understood, both internally and by the public. It will eventually make its way into our public-facing maps and applications.

 JCOS Owned in Fee

JCOS Jointly Owned in Fee

JCOS Owned in Fee Managed by Others

JCOS Conservation Easement

JCOS Easement

Agreement Held by JCOS (licenses/leases)

Deeded to Local Governments

Partners in the Outdoors 2021 Virtual Conference Details and Registration

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Partners in the Outdoors Conference unites partners in the outdoors community as they continue to explore the complicated relationship between conservation and recreation in our state.

This year’s virtual conference continued efforts to advance the priorities identified in Colorado’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), while also supporting Colorado’s Outdoor Principles.  Conference sessions began April 22 and continued through June 3.  JCOS was a conference sponsor and a presenter, specifically highlighting the May 20 session, “Effectively Managing Increasing Visitation to Colorado’s Public Lands”.

2020 Preservation Progress

In the week of May 13th, JCOS posted the 2020 Preservation Progress. This year’s addition is a reflection of the Conservation Greenprint 2020-2025, a strategic framework for the preservation of open space and parkland, protection of park and natural resources, and provision of healthy, nature-based experiences in Jefferson County. This document outlines the ten goals for the next five years and provides accomplishments from 2020. The 2020 Preservation Progress document can be found on the Reports page of the Open Space website.

Rachel Brenna – New Trails Program Manager

Welcome Rachel Brenna to the Open Space team as the New Trails Program Manager.  She started in this position in late May.

“I am inspired by the beauty of the landscape and the richness of human connections.  As I have moved through my life in Colorado, Mississippi, and the Mid-West, I continue to be amazed by the power of connecting people to each other and their environment.  These inspirations ground me as a person and inform my career as a landscape architect. I have worked at many levels of detail – from creating community-wide park and trail master plans to construction detailing for public art installations – all to provide opportunities to make the environment a part of people’s daily experience.

Aside from brief stints at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the National Park Service, I have been in the private sector for most of my career and am excited to return to public service working on one of the most essential parts of our communities – trails!…”

Miss Mountain Manners agrees completely with Rachel, without the beautiful and responsibly planned and maintain trails, how would we be able to enjoy our Open Space parks? Thank you, Rachel, for agreeing to join JCOS!

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Public land agencies remind everyone to #recreateresponsibly this summer

Federal, state, and local agencies remind everyone to know before you go, plan ahead, be courteous on area trails, and help protect sensitive natural resources.

With visitation to Front Range trails expected to increase over the next several weeks, a group of eight federal, state, and local Colorado land managers remind visitors to recreate responsibly on area public lands. Recreating outdoors is an important way of life for all Coloradans, and public land agencies need everyone’s cooperation to help them sustain enjoyable outdoor experiences and preserve natural areas for future generations.

Public land agencies with lands along Colorado’s Front Range remind visitors to “know before you go,” plan ahead, and remember several essential responsible recreation guidelines over Memorial Day weekend and throughout the summer, including:

  • Enjoy and protect shared public lands. With visitation continuing to increase, the agencies remind visitors to do their part to help protect land, wildlife, water, and plants. Numerous small disturbances can quickly harm sensitive natural resources and have a lasting impact on shared public lands. Remember to “Leave No Trace” and be prepared to pack out all trash and dog waste when receptacles aren’t available.
  • Be courteous and inclusive. People visit trails and public lands for many reasons, including emotional and physical well-being and spending time with friends and family members. Visitors of all identities and abilities deserve respect and courtesy while recreating outdoors.
  • Plan visits ahead of time and know your limits. Local public land agencies continue to see sustained high numbers of rescues. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Look at the weather forecast and trail and trailhead information. Visit public lands with a friend or a family member. Tell people where you’re going and when you plan on returning. Make sure to bring food and water. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for cold, wet, or changing weather conditions.
  • Don’t park illegally at full trailheads and follow all rules and regulations. Have an alternate plan in case the parking lot is full. Parks and trails are generally less crowded on weekdays. Trailhead parking lots are often full early in the morning on weekends. Take shuttles to popular recreation areas, if available. Review agency rules and regulations before heading to the trailhead as individual areas may have special restrictions or guidelines.
  • Continue to follow all public health guidance and requirements. Stay home if you are sick. Remember to “keep the space in open space” by maintaining 6 feet of distance from people not in your household. While no longer required, it’s recommended you bring a face covering with you because it’s not always possible to maintain 6 feet of physical distance outdoors, such as passing others on a narrow trail.
  • Stay on trail and walk through mud. If you need to step off-trail to let others pass, avoid stepping on vegetation. Step back on trail immediately after people pass you. Please don’t travel off trail. Help protect sensitive wildlife habitats by staying out of wildlife closure areas.

The group of public land agencies who participated in this joint release remind residents to access their websites to view critical advisories and trail maps BEFORE planning visits to public lands:

Visitors can also download the following trail apps developed with support from the State of Colorado, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Great Outdoors Colorado:

  • Colorado Trail Explorer (COTREX), available for free in the Apple and Google stores.
  • Boulder Area Trails App, available for free in the Apple and Google store

Open Space Update – April 2021

If March saw a lot of snow, it seems like April saw just as much if not more! However, that didn’t seem to slow down the teams at our Jeffco Open Space Parks:


North Table Mountain Park – West Trailhead

The entry sign received a new sign face with updated trailhead name and new timbers.




Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Segment

The Gateway Segment is getting some new steps leading down to the Peaks to Plains Trail. The contractor is installing steel stairs, steel shade structures, and pavers, while the Trails Team is constructing timber stairs.

The Buildings & Historic Sites Team has installing interior plumbing and a snow melt system, while the contractor has installed concrete in front of the restroom.



Peak to Plains Trail

JCOS staff is currently in the midst of a listening tour with Peaks to Plains Trail partners and stakeholders for the Plains Segment from Golden to Adams County.  The objective of the effort is to identify and act on opportunities for improvement in this trail corridor of statewide significance.  Download the Peak to Plains Collaborative Fact Sheet for more detailed information.

The Buildings & Historic Sites Team repaired railing along the trail damaged from a rockslide.

Van Bibber Park

The Trails Team prepared for the Earth Day volunteer project on Saturday, April 24.  The focus of the project was natural surface trail construction, unauthorized trail restoration, fence installation and shrub/forb plantings.

Beaver Ranch Park

Through an extensive community engagement process, the Beaver Ranch Park Master Plan was completed in 2017 and includes an outline for park-wide improvements.  The primary focus of the proposed improvements is to create a main trailhead at the Park’s entrance and limit the vehicular access beyond this new space.  The trailhead will become the primary parking destination for most visitors and most amenities not included in the new trailhead design will be accessed on foot.

As a part of park-wide improvements included in the Master Plan, Jefferson County Open Space is considering a relocation of the dog off-leash area.  To get a better understanding of the community needs, a Beaver Ranch Dog-Off Leash survey has been issued.  The survey can be accessed by scanning the QR code with the on-site signage or by clicking the link to the Beaver Ranch Park page.  The survey will run from April 1 – April 30. (Note: sadly, at the time of publication, Miss Mountain Manners could not find the survey on the Beaver Ranch Park page. Dear Reader, if you find it, could you post the location in the comments below? Thank you!).

Wednesday Forums Are Back

For the first time in more than a year, the Planning Team hosted the first of the virtual Wednesday Forums of 2021 in early April.  More than 70 attendees joined the forum to learn about the South Table Mountain Park Land Exchange and park improvements, as well as the work that’s happening at Beaver Ranch Park.  The following week the Planning and Projects Teams discussed the latest developments for Alderfer/Three Sisters and Tincup Ridge Parks. Want to get notifications prior to the meetings? Go to the Open Space Calendar Page and click the “Notify Me” icon at the top of the page.

South Table Mountain Park – Department of Energy (DOE) Land Exchange

On April 8, JCOS held a virtual community meeting to discuss the proposed DOE land exchange and planned access and trailhead updates to South Table Mountain Park.  Over 100 community members attended the live virtual meeting, which is available for viewing on our STM park page. The public comment period runs through May 12. If you are interested in providing feedback, please send comments to

Trails Partnership Program 2021 Success! 

As a part of Conservation Greenprint Goal #8, Easy and Equitable Access, JCOS created the Trails Partnership Program to help support our partners who are interested in building and improving the greater Jefferson County Trail System.  Partners were required to apply for funding, and a review team of JCOS staff and Open Space Advisory Committee members decided on the following projects to receive funding:

City of Arvada – A new trailhead at Standley Lake Library providing an outdoor classroom for the library and an ADA accessible connection from Kipling Parkway to the Rocky Mountain Greenway.

Buffalo Park Improvement Association – A permanent vault restroom will replace the current port-o-lets at the Buffalo Creek Trailhead.

City of Lakewood – Maintenance to Bear Creek Trail and the construction of a parallel crusher fine trail to relieve visitor conflict.

Leawood Metro Rec & Park District – Bridge maintenance at Weaver Park.

City of Wheat Ridge – The addition of two trail connections from the sidewalks on either side of Wadsworth Boulevard down to the Clear Creek Trail.

All of these projects will add great value to our Jefferson County community, and we are looking forward to the next four years as we continue the Trails Partnership Program and help more of our partners achieve their goals.

Abandoned Mine Closures

The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) has begun an abandoned mine reclamation project on JCOS properties, which will run through the end of June.  There are 14 stopes or adits that will be closed and/or fenced at no expense to JCOS.  All of the sites have been evaluated for bat habitat and will be remediated accordingly.  Please note that the conditions when mines may open, enlarge, or reopen continue to change, so operate with extreme caution when in the vicinity of former mining locations.  Just to be on the safe side, please report any unsecured mine openings to the closest Park Ranger or Volunteer.

First Quarter Camping Reservations

With camping reservations already being scheduled through the beginning of July at all three Open Space campgrounds, the word is out.  Below are the year-to-date camping reservation totals and the 10-year comparison for the first quarter of 2021.




Land Acreage Verification Project – Complete!

The Land Acreage Verification Project (LAVP) began with the need to understand the different types of acreage Jefferson County Open Space has contributed to preserving. Through an exhaustive and meticulous three-year collaboration between the Real Estate and GIS Teams, each JCOS land record was examined and its acreage verified which has led to an accurate count of the preserved acreage: 54,318 acres. Moving forward, the Real State and GIS Teams will work together to ensure this number is accurate and up-to-date and have developed processes to ensure that whenever someone asks how many acres JCOS is preserving, that question can be answered with confidence.

Partners in the Outdoors 2021 Virtual Conference Details and Registration

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Partners in the Outdoors Conference unites partners in the outdoors community as we continue to explore the complicated relationship between conservation and recreation in our state.  This year’s virtual conference will continue efforts to advance the priorities identified in Colorado’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) while also supporting Colorado’s Outdoor Principles.  Consider registering (required) for a session to learn about key issues in the industry while generating innovative solutions to advance and balance both recreation and conservation in Colorado.

Conference sessions began April 22 (Earth Day) and will continue through June 3.  JCOS is a conference sponsor and we are specifically highlighting the May 20 session, “Effectively Managing Increasing Visitation to Colorado’s Public Lands”. Expanded conference details can be found here: Colorado Parks & Wildlife – Partners in the Outdoors Conference (


There’s always a lot going on in our Open Space Parks! The to-do list must be longer than any of us could imagine!

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Paul Kilburn, In Memoriam 1929-2021

Paul Dayton Kilburn, born in Hibbing, Minnesota, June 28, 1929, died April 12, 2021.

“His strong interest in the environment, particularly plants, allowed him to become a leader and environmental activist in Jefferson County, Colorado. As the president of the Jefferson County Nature Association (JCNA), he and fellow members successfully advocated for maintaining the natural vegetation along Ralston Creek and  northeast North Table Mountain. His final project for JCNA involved picking local, native grass seeds for revegetation of specific areas of Rocky Flats. His knowledge of Colorado native prairie grasses and his work with local volunteer groups contributed to the success of this project. He was also co-founder of the North Jeffco Area Group (NJAG), a discussion forum for the conservation of lands in and around Rocky Flats.”

Paul’s full obituary can be found here.

Memorial gifts in Paul’s name can be made to two of Paul’s favorite organizations: PLAN Jeffco,, or the Colorado Native Plant Society,


PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy Registration Is Open Now!




Join us for our 7-week Stewardship Academy. During this time you’ll learn about

Jefferson County and what makes it so special.

The Jeffco Open Space Program and how it came to be.

The Open Space Parks, how they’re organized and maintained.

The Jeffco Open Space Greenprint and what it means for the Parks’ future.

Ecology, land preservation, and citizen science in Jeffco.

The Open Space Advisory Committee, what it is and what it does.

Threats to biodiversity and ecosystems, how to mitigate them.

Human activity and its impact on open spaces.

Visitor experience in Jeffco Open Space Parks.

Taking care of our precious lands.

This seven-week program, meets once a week, in a virtual classroom setting plus in-person field experience in the Jeffco Open Space Parks.

Enrollment is now open…classes start Tuesday, May 4th, 6-8 PM.

$35 Enrollment fee*, includes:

Six weeks of presentations by local experts in conservation, biodiversity, land management, and more.

Opportunity to observe the Open Space Advisory Committee in action.

A group stewardship project in one of the Jeffco Open Space Parks.

One-year full membership in PLAN Jeffco.

Download planned curriculum HERE.

Connect to EventBrite to make your reservation here

or download this form, fill it out and mail with your check for $35 to

PLAN Jeffco

11010 West 29th Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80215

EventBrite will collect email address, first name, last name and payment information during checkout.

*limited scholarship available upon request. Contact for more information.