Flooding at Crown Hill Open Space Park

Greetings Crown Hill Friends,

Areas of the Park are flooded.  Please be aware that there is water 2-3” deep flowing across the trails between Crown Hill Lake and Kestrel Pond.  Rainy weather and  irrigation equipment problems for Crown Hill Cemetery has resulted in water being over delivered into Crown Hill Lake.   Jeffco Open Space is working with Crown Hill Cemetery to resolve this issue.  Please use caution and try to avoid these flooded areas.


Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

Apex Park Flood Recovery Update

A year has passed since the historic record-setting rains and flooding along the northern Front Range of Colorado damaged towns, homes, roads and parks.  Today, much of the damage has been remedied with areas of greatest impact still closed.   At Apex Park, 3.8 miles or 40% of the Park’s trails were severely damaged.  Community support and staff dedication has allowed the majority of the park to be reopened for public enjoyment. Portions of Apex Trail, which runs the length of the Park, have remained closed.


Earlier this year, Jeffco Open Space anticipated that the work on Apex Trail would be completed and the remaining closures lifted by September 30.  That target date will not be met as elements in the process for trails recovery have been out of the agency’s control.  By the end of 2013, the County committed to seeking Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding for recovery efforts.  Factors that influenced the process included federal and local delays.  One of the final steps in order to receive federal funding for trail restoration, an environmental assessment needed to be completed before any work could get underway.  The draft environmental assessment public comment period closed on August 29, 2014 and the FEMA approval and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) could be issued as early as the end of September or as late as mid-October.  With the appropriate local and state permits obtained, and federal approvals, Jeffco Open Space can then begin Apex Trail restoration as well as remaining work at White Ranch Park and North Table Mountain Park.

Trails supervisor, Kim Frederick, anticipates Apex Trail restoration can be completed by November 26, 2014 and the remainder of the Park reopened, providing the weather cooperates.  The Apex Trail project will include building of abutments and placing bridges over severely washed-out treads and other restoration activity to provide a safe and enjoyable trail experience.  Upon completion of Apex Trail work, the odd-day directional travel by mountain bikers will be reinstated on Apex, Argos and Enchanted Forest Trails, as had been in effect prior to the flooding events.

The realignment of the damaged Pick N’ Sledge Trail will be completed by the spring of 2015 with limited trail closures for construction.  For additional information please see jeffco.us/parks/parks-and-trails or register for Apex Park emails by sending a message to apexpark@jeffco.us to join the list.

I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all of you who have volunteered time over the past year towards our flood recovery efforts at Apex and elsewhere in the Open Space system.  We could not have done it without you!

Tim Sandsmark

Lookout Region Supervisor

Jeffco Open Space

720-497-7602 direct

303-916-6553 mobile



“50 Years of Conserving America the Beautiful”

The LWCF (Land & Water Conservation Fund) coalition published a report July 23, Land & Water Conservation Fund 50 Years of Conserving America the Beautiful, under the signatures of former Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar and Beveridge & Diamond PC Senior Counsel Henry Diamond.  The report is available at: http://lwcfcoalition.org/

front and center on the home page. Click the link on that page to download a PDF copy of the report, or Click here to view the 50th Anniversary Report of LWCF

Rocky Flats Update, the 25th Anniversary of the FBI raid on Rocky Flats

What’s Happening at Rocky Flats Today?

For nearly 40 years the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant near Denver produced plutonium pits for nuclear weapons, with extensive toxic and radioactive contamination on- and off-site.

Colorado continues to struggle with the long-term environmental and historical legacy of Rocky Flats. Upcoming events include an unprecedented symposium at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities June 6-8, community organization meetings, meetings for citizens concerned about a new dog park on contaminated land, and more. Find out what you need to know at http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=b091790d7900d4ee97eaee42b&id=8deb35ca37&e=7a743fe88a

Calling All Nature Photographers!

The Clear Creek Land Conservancy is holding its Summer Solstice Photography Workshop with professional photographer Larry Caine on June 21st, 2014 from 6am – 10am.
Where:  Clear Creek Canyon (precise meeting place to be determined)
Level:  Beginning to Intermediate
Cost:  Suggested $50 tax-deductible donation (No charge for 2012 or 2013 CCLC calendar contest winners!)

Space is limited, reservations are required, closes June 1st. Call 303.718.9546 or email info@clearcreeklandconservancy.org.

CCLC Solstice Photo Workshop 2014

To print your own flyer, download CCLC Photo Workshop Poppies

Wild about Nature: Celebrating 42 years of Open Space: PLAN Jeffco Annual Dinner with the Commissioners

 Wild about Nature: Celebrating 42 years of Open Space

PLAN Jeffco Annual Dinner with the Commissioners

The Vista at Applewood Golf Course,  14001 West 32nd Ave., Golden 80401

 Thursday, May 8, 5:30 p.m. to Midnight

Speaker Ian Billick, PhD, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Crested Butte and Gothic: “Science and Land Conservation: Building a Better Tomorrow”.

 PLAN Jeffco invites the public to attend the 2014 annual dinner with Jefferson County Commissioners to celebrate 42 years of Jefferson County Open Space.

The event will start at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, May 8 at The Vista at Applewood Golf Course, 14001 West 32nd Ave., Golden. The speaker will be Ian Billick, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Crested Butte and Gothic, who will be speaking on “Science and Land Conservation: Building a Better Tomorrow

Tickets are $40 and include a cocktail (cash bar) and an hors d’oeuvres reception, buffet dinner and dessert.  Purchase online at planjeffco.org or call 303-835-0979 to make a reservation.

PLAN Jeffco is a nonprofit citizen organization formed in 1972 to campaign for a one-half percent sales tax to purchase scenic lands for public benefit. It serves as a watchdog and a source of inspiration to the Jeffco Open Space Division, which acquires property and manages 51,000 acres of public land and parks.

In 2000, Billick joined the RMBL in Crested Butte, where he lives. The RMBL was founded in 1928 as a living scientific laboratory in the abandoned mining town of Gothic. Thousands of students and scientists have studied and documented the ecosystems around Gothic, making RMBL an internationally renowned center for scientific research and education. Billick is interested in the interface between science and policy.

For information contact Michele Poolet, PLAN Jeffco board member, ContactUs@PLANjeffco.org, 303-835-0979.





MALT Announces the Conservation of 80 Acres in Woodland Park

MALT — the Mountain Area Land Trust — does great things, and in this case it’s an 80-acre parcel which abuts U.S. Forest Service land. While the Conservation Easement contains an option for an environmental education center and potential eventual acquisition by the city of Woodland Park, it’s wonderful to have this area protected. MALT Announces the Conservation of 80 Acres in Woodland Park

For more information, go to the MALT website at http://www.savetheland.org/latest-news

The Nature Conservancy protects 1M acres in Montana

Sometimes land preservation is done on a big scale. Last week, The Nature Conservancy closed on a 515-acre conservation easement, to bring the total of Montana land which is now preserved and protected from development to just over 1 million acres. One million acres of Montana protected in the 35 years that TNC has been working in the state; that’s about one acre per person. I am impressed; thanks to the efforts of the TNC and others, Montana will stay a “big sky country”. http://helenair.com/news/local/state-and-regional/the-nature-conservancy-protects-m-acres-in-montana/article_0f821f60-7698-11e3-a4ef-0019bb2963f4.html

PLANjeffco headline

PLANjeffco headline

Parks Panorama | December 2013

Parks Panorama | December 2013

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  • Feature of the Month
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Panorama_December 2013