
Conservation Smart Brief 12/14/2021

PLAN Jeffco started with an idea that open spaces are vitally important to the health and welfare of all, and since 1972 has been building on that idea. Time brings change, and so PLAN Jeffco has had to consistently adjust as change occurs. 

PLAN Jeffco tries to keep its thumb on the pulse of the conservation community. Every month, as part of our regular Board meetings, there’s a “President’s Report”, which records the activities of various conservation groups that PLAN Jeffco feels are community leaders. We’ve decided to share as much of this information with you, dear reader, as we can, so that you can understand where we’re going, and why.

Conservation Smart Brief, December 14, 2021:

Recently posted to our website blog:


Jeffco Open Space News & Events

NOTE: Despite information on various hiking and trails apps, the trails at Meyer Ranch OS Park are NOT scheduled be closed on the weekends during forestry and wildfire mitigation operations unless specifically posted at this website…

JCOS News Releases:

JCOS Event Calendar:

JCOS Newsletters:


Jeffco Fairgrounds – calendar


Colorado Open Lands                     

Fall 2021 Newsletter is downloadable here:

40th Anniversary, 590,000 acres of open space conserved to date. Halfway through the current 10-year plan, there are a waiting list of projects that, when completed, will allow COL to meet its goal of 800,000 acres of land conserved in Colorado.


Lake County, Shawn Andrick Memorial Preserve – 103 acres. This public open space was protected in partnership with the Central Colorado Conservancy and Lake County. The property is a narrow canyon along the Arkansas River between Buena Vista and Leadville with wetlands, a gold-medal trout fishery, and great habitat for elk and bighorn sheep. The Top of the Rockies / Collegiate Peaks Scenic Byway winds through the canyon with open views of this property. The preserve will open to the public in 2022.

Sedgwick County, Petersen Bend – 100 acres. Ducks Unlimited purchased this farm a few years ago and converted some of the fields to seasonal shallow-water wetland compounds to support migratory waterfowl during the prime flyover periods in the spring and fall in Eastern Colorado and Nebraska. The property includes a mixture of upland and wetland habitat as well as foraging areas for white-tail deer, pheasant, turkey and pronghorn.

Hinsdale County, Slumgullion Center – 58 acres. This property outside of Lake City is owned by Lake Fork Valley Conservancy and comprises part of the Slumgullion Earthflow, an active landslide that moves as fast as 7 meters per year on the most active portions. It’s been slowly flowing down the mountainside for 1,200 years! The earthflow is recognized by scientists and government agencies as a site rich in research opportunity and of high conservation importance. Additionally, the Slumgullion Center property includes Lake Fork of the Gunnison River frontage and unique forests, as well as habitat for bald eagles, bighorn sheep, black bear, elk, mule deer, moose, and mountain lions. It is visible from the Silver Thread National Scenic Byway and the Alpine Loop Colorado Scenic Byway coming out of Lake City.

San Luis Valley: The following four projects are a part of our Acequia Initiative, which is funded by Natural Resource Conservation Service, Great Outdoors Colorado, the LOR Foundation, the Gates Family Foundation, the Trinchera Blanca Foundation, and the Colorado Conservation Partnership.

San Luis Valley, Aragon Ranch – 198 acres. Located at the base of the 14,000-foot Culebra Peak, Aragon Ranch has a long history in agriculture. This fifth-generation ranch is located just east of San Luis. Three acequias (historic irrigation ditches) irrigate the property. The family raises mixed-breed cows and grows native grass and alfalfa hay to feed the herd in the winter. In addition to the cattle, the ranch provides critical winter habitat for elk herds that migrate through the Sangre de Cristo mountains.

San Luis Valley, Quintana Ranch – 146 acres. This historic ranch supports a family cattle operation, but it is also important to many species of wildlife that utilize this area as a migration corridor as they travel to and from the mountains in the spring and winter. Conservation of this property also protects important cultural resources in this historic community.

San Luis Valley, R&R Family Farms – 348 acres. This 348-acre property is home to a stretch of the beautiful Culebra River and is a testament to the commitment the community shares to keep the land and water together. As a result, key habitat for elk, deer, turkey, bald eagles, and Rio Grande cutthroat trout is protected.

San Luis Valley, Roybal Ranch – 215 acres. This historic ranch is irrigated by two historic acequias, the San Acacio and Francisco Sanchez. The ranch supports grass-fed cattle and sheep, while the livestock share the ranch with many species that utilize this critical wildlife corridor as they travel to and from the mountains in the spring and winter.

South Park, Private Ranch – 1,291 acres. We have accepted a very significant conservation easement on a ranch in South Park, protecting a key elk migration corridor and a rare fen wetland, as well as protecting an iconic view of the Mosquito Range for travelers along Highway 285 in South Park. The easement was essential for the owners to retain family ownership of the land. We are respecting the landowners’ wishes for privacy by keeping the name and location anonymous.

South Park, Buckskin Gulch – 74 acres. The Buckskin Placer property lies between the Alma Cemetery and Pike National Forest west of the Town of Alma. This property was the historic townsite of Buckskin Joe, the original mining district in the area and one-time county seat. The property includes one mile of Buckskin Creek, wetlands, open meadows, aspen and conifer forests, and has been used by the public for camping. Park County Road 12 traverses the property as the route for travelers visiting 14ers Mt. Lincoln, Mt. Bross, and Mt. Democrat. The Town of Alma’s water supply system, including a pond and infiltration gallery, is located on an inholding within the property, so this easement also serves as water supply protection for the Town. One year ago, this property was up for sale with likely development for custom lots with stream frontage, when two community members purchased the property to hold until the Town could buy it. They, along with the Alma Foundation, have saved the property for public open space. The Town of Alma raised funds needed for the purchase and expenses from a GOCO Resilient Communities Grant, the Park County Land & Water Trust Fund, and the Alma Foundation.

Larimer County, Dakota Ridge – 245 acres. COL has partnered with the City of Loveland, Larimer County, and Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) to protect 245 acres along the iconic hogback ridge that stretches between Loveland and Fort Collins. Dakota Ridge will soon include public trail access that will be incorporated into the regional trail system, providing more equitable access to open space across the community.

Larimer County, Table Top – 158 acres. The Preble’s meadow jumping mouse is federally designated as threatened, and worldwide, its only habitat exists in a few counties on the Colorado/Wyoming border. Colorado Open Lands has just protected the first phase of the 222 acres of this habitat with a conservation easement, with the second phase to be completed later this year.

Gunnison County, Ocate Property – 157 acres. The Ocate Property is located within the Cebolla Creek valley. It is bisected by County Road 27 and consists of irrigated meadows and pasture, sagebrush shrublands, and more than one mile of frontage along Cebolla Creek. Habitat is provided for Colorado River cutthroat trout, elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, moose, black bear, mountain lion, and Gunnison Sage-grouse. The landowners are committed to improving the natural resources on the property and have many restoration and enhancement projects occurring on the land. This project was completed in partnership with Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Gunnison Valley Land Preservation Fund.

Gunnison County, Weidler Property – 178 acres. This property east of Gunnison fronts on County Road 46 and is visible by travelers along US Highway 50 on route to Gunnison. The property consists of open irrigated meadows and pasture and contains one-half mile of frontage along a channel of the Tomichi Creek. Wildlife habitat is provided for bald eagle, ferruginous hawk, greater sandhill crane, as well as bighorn sheep, elk, moose, mountain lion, mule deer, and pronghorn. The project was completed in partnership with Natural Resources Conservation Service, Gunnison Valley Land Preservation Fund, and Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy.

San Miguel County, TL Bar Ranch – 9,111 acres. This remarkable ranch with phenomenal scenic views near Telluride includes very important wildlife habitat, and includes over four miles of local creek frontage. Protection of this property increases the amount of protected land within this sage-grouse population by 30%. Many other species migrate through the ranch or make it their home, including elk, mule deer, black bear, mountain lion, bald eagle, and peregrine falcon.


Mountain Area Land Trust 

Conserved, Flying J Ranch private land & historic ranch house: Mountain Area Land Trust (MALT) is pleased to announce the completion of a voluntary private* Conservation Easement on 32 acres in Jefferson County with the landowners of the historic Flying J Ranch. This ranch has been owned by the same family since the 1940’s when Highway 73 was still a dirt road. A large section of the ranch was sold to Jefferson County Open Space in several transactions beginning in 1995, creating the popular Flying J Ranch Open Space. MALT has worked with the landowners to protect the remaining private land surrounding the historic ranch house.


Keep It Colorado, The Source Oct 2021 (news & updates for the conservation community)

Colorado’s Private Lands Conservation Plan ~ Listening Tour: Keep It Colorado is developing the Statewide Private Lands Conservation Plan, a collaborative plan that rallies land trusts and partners around a unified vision for the future of private lands conservation in Colorado. Providing a set of concrete objectives, strategy and vision, the plan will identify urgent areas for protection and create a roadmap for on-the-ground conservation the private lands conservation community wants to achieve in the next 10 years. KIC is reaching out, seeking thought leadership to help guide Colorado’s Statewide Private Lands Conservation Plan and would greatly appreciate taking the time to share your ideas. Please RSVP for one of the dates (Nov. – Jan.) listed on this website for a two-hour virtual Zoom listening session to help in the early design of this plan.

Advisory council launches in October: Keep It Colorado recently formed an advisory council to help guide and shape the development of their Statewide Private Lands Conservation Plan and launched the council with its first meeting this month.

A glimpse at our regrant program for transaction cost assistance: At Keep It Colorado we’re currently busy reviewing grant applications for our Transaction Cost Assistance Program. TCAP provides grants for shovel-ready conservation projects – helping landowners overcome a significant financial barrier associated with voluntarily conserving land. We look forward to sharing details about the lucky recipients in next month’s edition of The Source! In the meantime, read a 2-pager about our accomplishments with this program so far.

A powerful tool for land trusts: The Fall 2021 edition of Saving Land Magazine features a story about using remote monitoring technologies – like satellite and aerial imagery – to monitor conserved lands. The story dives into the many ways remote monitoring creates a multi-layered win for land trusts, how far satellite imaging technology has come, and what’s in store for land monitoring in the future. It mentions Keep It Colorado and our remote monitoring regrant program and highlights our partners Colorado Open Lands and Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT).

Tipping our hat to GOCO for naming Jackie Miller as ED: Keep It Colorado was very excited to hear the news that Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) named Jackie Miller as its new executive director. Jackie has been a valuable partner to Keep It Colorado in her previous role as GOCO’s director of programs, and a stalwart advocate of conservation and stewardship. Now she’ll put her talents, vision, and leadership to a new use as GOCO’s head. Read more here.

Thank you, Governor Polis for making it a priority to protect Colorado’s big game wildlife: Governor Polis’s administration published a report late last month titled Opportunities to Improve Sensitive Habitat and Movement Route Connectivity for Colorado’s Big Game Species. We applaud this report. The big-game wildlife species that call Colorado home and move through our state – such as bighorn sheep, pronghorn, elk, moose, and mule deer – are not just icons. Their health and survivability are essential to a healthy and well-balanced ecosystem and to our state’s economy. Governor Polis’s report is an important action toward protecting big-game wildlife in our state. The private lands conservation community has a role to play – and we look forward to advocating for policy that advances the governor’s vision of habitat management and connectivity across Colorado’s public and private lands.

Water, water everywhere, Resources from our land trusts: Water. It’s a topic that (rightly) concerns every Coloradan. Land trusts are doing their part to address Colorado’s water challenges with water conservation strategies and conservation solutions that address climate change. Interested in learning more? Download these resources: Colorado Open Lands/Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust, “Groundwater Conservation Easements for Aquifer Recovery in the San Luis Valley“; Colorado Open Lands, “Sharing Water to Save the Farm: A Guide to Agricultural-Municipal Water Sharing for Colorado’s Land Conservation Community“.

PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Sweetwater Lake: Colorado’s 43rd state park. Sweetwater Lake Park is not only Colorado’s newest state park, it is the first state park in the nation to open on land owned by the U.S. Forest Service. The area is a former ranch. The Forest Service bought the ranch this summer from The Conservation Fund, which purchased the property in 2021, partly through a fundraising campaign organized by the Eagle Valley Land Trust. Huge kudos to these coalition members for a stellar win – and thank you to all of the community members who helped make this vision possible! Learn more in this Colorado Public Radio story and on Eagle Valley Land Trust’s website.

PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: A piece of Smith Hill is saved. Thanks to a partnership between the Town of Crested Butte and Crested Butte Land Trust, a 59-acre parcel known as Kikel Lot 3 on Smith Hill, between Lupine 2 and Gunsight Connector trails, will be conserved forever. This scenic stretch of land provides important wildlife habitat and historic cattle grazing lands, and its local trails will remain accessible to the public for continued recreation. Recognizing how important conservation and stewardship are to the Crested Butte area’s local lands and natural environment, the community came together to swiftly save this parcel of land from development. Congratulations, Crested Butte Land Trust!

MEET YOUR LOCAL LAND TRUST: Colorado West Land Trust. Region: Western Colorado. Mission: To protect and enhance agricultural land, wildlife habitat and scenic lands in western Colorado to benefit the community at large, enrich lives, provide opportunities for outdoor recreation, and ensure our connection to land for generations to come. Thanks to the work of Colorado West Land Trust and partners, middle school students are learning and engaging in the Monument Corridor Restoration Project, restoring native vegetation along No Thoroughfare Wash and the paved Monument Trail. Read more.

Follow the postings from other Conservation Groups, listed at the bottom of our web pages:

Colorado Open Space Alliance (COSA)

Colorado Native Plant Society

Douglas Land Conservancy

Land Trust Alliance

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust


Jefferson County – Sustainability Commission

Do you have questions about the County Climate Action Plan? Meetings, members and resources? Sustainability awards and the Sustainability Foundation? Find out more at


Jefferson County – COVID-19 Updates

Confused about COVID? Find out the latest alerts, recommendations and requirements at


Denver – Park Hill Golf Course and Growth 

Denver ballot measures 301 and 302: Voters favor open space over development at Park Hill golf course. Read the full story at


Gross Reservoir Updates

Boulder County Commissioners accept Gross Reservoir settlement

Boulder County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to accept a settlement agreement from Denver Water, giving up the county’s right to review the controversial Gross Reservoir expansion in exchange for $12.5 million in mitigation for nearby residents and the environmental impacts of the project.

Denver Water had sued Boulder County in federal court in July, claiming that because it already had federal permits to begin construction on the Gross Reservoir expansion, it was exempt from the county’s land-use review process. County commissioners had hoped to use that process to alter or stop entirely a project that has been unpopular with local residents and environmentalists.

“I hope the public knows that this decision is so complex,” Commissioner Marta Loachamin said. “If we could stop the expansion, that would be my vote.”

The $12.5 million includes $5 million to mitigate construction impacts on nearby residents, $5.1 million to Boulder County Open Space to purchase new land or repair trails, $1.5 million to mitigate construction greenhouse gas emissions and $1 million for South St. Vrain Creek Restoration. Denver Water will also transfer 70 acres of land near the reservoir to the county to be added to Walker Ranch Open Space.

County commissioners unanimously said that they did not like the settlement agreement or the project as a whole, but felt they could not win in court. And because of the construction timelines imposed by its federal permit, Denver Water said it would pull the settlement offer and continue with litigation if the commissioners did not accept it Tuesday.


Climate Change Articles of Interest

Bees, sheep, crops: solar developers tout multiple benefits: Integrating solar farms and agriculture can be a win-win for all. AP News,

This story aired on NPR 11/14/21

Amazon birds are shrinking as the climate warms, prompting warning from scientists NPR 11/15/21


Fire Season Updates

DNR announces Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program & specialcCollaboration with the Dept. of Corrections Wildland Inmate Fire Teams. The Colorado Department of Natural Resources announced the launch of the Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program and highlighted the special collaboration with their partners, the Department of Corrections (DOC), State Wildland Inmate Fire Team (SWIFT)



And there you have it. This is part of what we do, who we follow, what we’re interested in, because Conservation just doesn’t happen by itself…it takes a community to make it work. And as always, stay well, stay safe, be conservation-minded at all times.


The Secret Is Out! Park Overcrowding!

Miss Mountain Manners here. THE SECRET IS OUT. Everyone seems to know that the place to be is outside in our Open Space parks. How did that happen, and how do we deal with the fact that there are toooo many people out there: hikers, bikers, riders, runners – you name it. Can we live with each other? What about 50 years from now?? (The open space program will be 50 years young in 2022.) What are the alternatives???

Rocky Mtn National Park overcrowdingWe aren’t alone. The national parks are being overrun. National Park attendance has spiked since 2019 (327 million visitors) with usage of many parks doubling (2020 use was down due to COVID and park closures). Rocky Mountain National Park was one of the parks to have been heavily impacted.*

Almost 5 million people entered RMNP in 2019. In a 5280 article, September 2020, Elizabeth Kwak-Hefferan listed “8 Ways To Ease Overcrowding At Our National Parks”.


1) Shut the Gates – require advanced reservations; a timed-entry permit system.

2) Ditch the Cars – off park parking/shuttles. (Build more parking lots? – but, if you build them, they will come)

3) Alter Pricing – charge more at high demand times: but this raises the issues of fairness and equity.

4) Point out the Road Less Traveled – direct visitors to our less-crowded areas.

5) Manage the Ick – modernized toilets can reduce waste build-up by 40%.

6) Ask People Not to Do It for the ‘Glam – omit the specific location details of your photos.

7) Spread the Love – e.g. Black Canyon of the Gunnison ranks 45th out of 62 national park units in recreation visits.

8) Do Your Part – don’t be part of the traffic. Follow solutions 2, 4, and 7.

While not as overwhelmed as our National Parks, Jeffco Open Space saw more than 8 million visitors in 2020. Will heavy traffic and overuse force us to try some of these tactics at our Jeffco Open Space Parks? We now have 28 Open Space Parks spread out over 55,000+ acres. Acquisition is still a high priority, with many additional acres preserved in 2020 and 2021 (with more coming in 2022). Many of these additions will not be open to public for quite a while (and in some cases never, in order to protect sensitive flora and fauna), so it will be hard to develop or “buy” our way out of the overuse dilemma.

Miss Mountain Manners wants you to “Do Your Part” – Be a wise and considerate user of Open Space. Follow the rules: Leave no Trace – pack out all trash and dog waste, and place in the proper receptacles at the trailheads; Be courteous and inclusive – slow down and announce your presence when passing other visitors on the trail; Don’t park illegally – use shuttles, Lot Spot or Lyft; Stay home if sick, Keep your distance, Carry a mask – just in case you get too close to strangers; Stay on the trail – avoid vegetation if you need to step off-trail.

Understand that Natural Areas have a maximum carrying capacity; do your part to protect our Open Space Parks!


*Update: Rocky Mountain National Park will be resuming its reservation system in 2022. “Rocky Mountain National Park was the third-most visited national park in the country in 2019, with over 4.6 million visitors. Visitors experience a high level of congestion in many areas of the park from late May through early October.” For more information on the RMNP reservation system go here.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

In Memoriam – Sue Davis, JCOS Volunteer

Sue Davis, a long-time Jeffco Open Space Volunteer, passed away this last summer.  She will be sorely missed by her many OS colleagues. Teddy Newman, Senior Customer Service Representative and one of those colleagues, wrote a lovely tribute to Sue and her accomplishments:

“We learned yesterday afternoon that one of our volunteers, Sue Davis, passed away. As an Open Space volunteer for 20 years & 7 months, Sue is a member of our Open Space family who will be missed by many. She served as a Park Patroller, an Information Specialist & Nature Educator at the Lookout Mountain Nature Center & as a Welcome Center Information Specialist.

From her home on Lookout Mountain, Sue had incredible views of some of our parks and she never tired of pointing them out to her visitors. Sue had a great love of & passion for all things Jeffco Open Space. I’m sure she & her honey Jake, who was also one of our volunteers, will be keeping a watchful eye over our parks.”

Teddy Newman

Customer Service Representative, Senior


Rest in Peace, Sue.


2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint

If you’re a frequent Open Space Park Visitor, maybe you’ve noticed there have been quite a few changes lately.  If you’ve ever wondered why, and what’s happening to the Parks, here’s your chance to find out. There’s a document called The Jefferson County Open Space 2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint that lays out what the goals are for the next half-decade.

The Conservation Greenprint is part of a set of documents called the Jeffco Open Space 2020 – 2025 Conservation Greenprint References, which you can peruse by clicking here.

We have a summary copy of the Conservation Greenprint in our Library, which you can read and download by clicking here.

While you’re in reading mode, we also have downloadable copies of the Jeffco Open Space 2020 Preservation Progress Annual Report and the Dinosaur Ridge Master Plan 2019 in our Library — so stop and by and have a read!

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco



Rideshare Adds New Parks

JCOS’ pilot program shuttles visitors to and from the Open Space parks while avoiding the hassle of overcrowded trailhead parking has expanded!

Partnering with Lyft, new Parks have been added to the Rideshare Discount. Now hikers can ride to the following Park trailheads with reduced fare:

North Table Mountain Park – West Trailhead
White Ranch Park – East Trailhead
South Table Mountain Park – Camp George West Trailhead
South Table Mountain Park – Golden Hills Access
Mount Falcon Park – Morrison Trailhead
Van Bibber Park – East & West Trailheads
Matthews/Winters Park
Dino Ridge Visitor Center
Crown Hill Park

Through December 31, Lyft users can take advantage of a $2.50 reduction in their fare each direction by using code JCOS2021 in the “rewards” section of the Lyft app. Discounts will be valid during park hours, seven days a week, to the locations listed above.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


What the Poo, and Socks, Too?

Welch Ditch Bridge with fall colorsIsn’t this a gorgeous sight? Here we are at the Welch Ditch Bridge, the third and western-most of the three bridges that cross Clear Creek between the Gateway Segment Trailhead and the Tunnel One Trailhead.

Recently, Miss Mountain Manners was walking the Clear Creek Gateway Segment Trail, and what a beautiful experience that was. She was just past the Tough Cuss Bridge (the middle bridge), when she ran into this:

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank the person who did 2/3 of “the right thing”. First, that person brought their own poo bag (poo bags provided at the Trailhead that day were bright orange). Next, that person bagged their puppy’s poo. But then Miss Mountain Manners got confused: why leave the poo bag on the trail? Why not carry it out?

I know what some of you are thinking — that person left the bag and was going to pick it up on the way back. Turns out, that was not the case — this trail is out and back again. Miss Mountain Manners decided to give this person the benefit of the doubt and walked all the way to trail’s end, but did not see anyone walking a dog. Sadly, this poo bag was left behind for the Poop Fairy to collect.

Miss Mountain Manners has news for this person: THERE IS NO POOP FAIRY. Two-thirds of “the right thing” is a good start; next time let’s take it all the way to the finish line and carry it out! Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

Poo bags abandoned along trails are a persistent problem in almost all our Open Space Parks. Miss Mountain Manners should be grateful that most of our visitors do bag their pup’s poo and indeed, pack it out (kudos to the several puppy-walkers she saw with poo bags on their belts), but it’s truly discouraging that some dog-people cannot be bothered to carry out their bags — or even to bag the poo, but that’s another topic for another day.

Miss Mountain Manners was in for another surprise. Continuing on, just west of the Welch Ditch Bridge she found that someone had left behind a pair of stinky socks, hung on one Poo bag and dirty socks collected during the walkof the wire fence rails.  To the young man who left those behind, did you really think that the Sock Fairy was going to wash them and darn the hole in the toe for you? Did you not have a pocket to stuff them in so you could carry them out? Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

By the time Miss Mountain Manners got back to the Gateway Segment Trailhead, she was glad for all the very polite and well-behaved Visitors she’d encountered (although she wasn’t sure that letting an 8-year walk along the top of the stone walls was a good idea!). She hopes that Visitors who walk or hike with their pups will be more mindful of their behaviour — after all, if your pup had an “accident” in a friend’s house, surely you’d clean up after your fur-baby, wouldn’t you? Our Open Space Parks are home to the wild things who live there, and we should respect that. Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

As to that young man who left his socks hanging on the fence rail, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco









What the Poo, and Socks?

Welch Ditch Bridge with fall colorsIsn’t this a gorgeous sight? This is the Welch Ditch Trail, the third and western-most of the three bridges that cross Clear Creek between the Gateway Segment Trailhead and the Tunnel One Trailhead.

Recently, Miss Mountain Manners was walking the Clear Creek Gateway Segment Trail, and what a beautiful experience that was. She was just past the Tough Cuss Bridge (the middle bridge), when she ran into this:

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank the person who did 2/3 of “the right thing”. First, that person brought their own poo bag (poo bags provided at the Trailhead that day were bright orange). Next, that person bagged their puppy’s poo. But then Miss Mountain Manners got confused: why leave the poo bag on the trail? Why not carry it out?

I know what some of you are thinking — that person left the bag and was going to pick it up on the way back. Turns out, that was not the case — this trail is out and back again. Miss Mountain Manners decided to give this person the benefit of the doubt and walked all the way to trail’s end, but did not see anyone walking a dog. Sadly, this poo bag was left behind for the Poop Fairy to collect.

Miss Mountain Manners has news for this person: THERE IS NO POOP FAIRY. Two-thirds of “the right thing” is a good start; next time let’s take it all the way to the finish line and carry it out! Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

Poo bags abandoned along trails are a persistent problem in almost all our Open Space Parks. Miss Mountain Manners should be grateful that most of our visitors do bag their pup’s poo and indeed, pack it out (kudos to the several puppy-walkers she saw with poo bags on their belts), but it’s truly discouraging that some dog-people cannot be bothered to carry out their bags — or even to bag the poo, but that’s another topic for another day.

Miss Mountain Manners was in for another surprise. Continuing on, just west of the Welch Ditch Bridge she found that someone had left behind a pair of stinky socks, hung on one Poo bag and dirty socks collected during the walkof the wire fence rails.  To the young man who left those behind, did you really think that the Sock Fairy was going to wash them and darn the hole in the toe for you? Did you not have a pocket to stuff them in so you could carry them out? Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

By the time Miss Mountain Manners got back to the Gateway Segment Trailhead, she was glad for all the very polite and well-behaved Visitors she’d encountered (although she wasn’t sure that letting an 8-year walk along the top of the stone walls was a good idea!). She hopes that Visitors who walk or hike with their pups will be more mindful of their behaviour — after all, if your pup had an “accident” in a friend’s house, surely you’d clean up after your fur-baby, wouldn’t you? Our Open Space Parks are home to the wild things who live there, and we should respect that. Leave no trace; pack it in, pack it out!

As to that young man who left his socks hanging on the fence rail, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco









Open Space Update – September 2021

September, glorious September! September is Miss Mountain Manners’ favorite month, a time when the flaming hot of summer is on retreat while the Northern Hemisphere prepares itself for the long, quiet days and nights of the season of rest.

This transition hasn’t slowed down the Jeffco Open Space crews, however… look at what they’ve been doing this month!

The Apex Park Management Pilot is Over

Apex Park, Enchanted Forest Trail, showing one-way biking direction.

The pilot year for the new management plan at Apex Park is officially over, and it’s been an overall success. The management system will remain in place permanently, beginning September 10, 2021.

  • Even Calendar Dates (2nd, 4th, etc.) = Bikes only, no hikers or equestrians
  • Odd Calendar Dates (1st, 3rd, etc.) = Hikers and equestrians only, no bikes

For more information go to


Busy Beavers at Beaver Ranch Park

Beaver Ranch Park trail-building


The Open Space Trails Team has completed the cutting of Phase 2 at Beaver Ranch Park. They were able to connect into an existing trail (Screech Owl) that they are keeping just upstream of a bridge that crosses over Coyote Creek. The team is currently compacting the six turns and preforming the finish tread work needed on this section of trail. Kyle Newmyer, South Region Coordinator, also went out with Trails Team Specialists Chris Smith and Kaleb Anzick to walk and talk sign plans for the latest sections of finished trail. They hope to have this segment of trail completed by September 10. Once this work is done there will be four new miles of trail for folks to enjoy!


Trail Runner Volunteer Project at South Table Mountain Park

Trail runner volunteers at South Table Park

Nine volunteers were out for 2.5 hours on August 30 working on the drainage on Olivine trail, cleaning out rocks and sand from the grade dips and drains as they went. They also collected about 10 pounds of noxious weeds and general debris. A big rounds of thanks to this group for the community effort and strengthening the partnership with runners and neighbors like NREL (the National Renewable Energy Lab).  Photos courtesy of NREL.


North Table Curfew with Volunteers on Patrol

North Table by moonlightNorth Table Mountain Park in the autumn months is notorious for visitors recreating after curfew. Special thanks go out to two volunteer Park Patrollers, Barbara Decet and Sylvan Ruud, who will be helping the Ranger Team with curfew/full moon popups at the park. They were on duty in August and are scheduled for more during the busy coming months. Having these volunteers help in delivering the importance of following the curfew will have a huge impact on the safety of Park visitors and the health of North Table Mountain.  Photo by Anne Friant, illustrative editing by Photoshop.


White Ranch Trail Partnership

Trail partnerships in action at White Ranch Park


The Open Space Trails Team, Colorado Mountain Biking Association (COMBA), and other volunteers have been instrumental in the maintenance and reroute at Mustang Trail at White Ranch Park over the past few weeks. COMBA has also been volunteering to help keep Middle Longhorn Trail at White Ranch Park in good shape as well. Thanks to all the participation and input from members of the mountain biking community.


Burro Patrollers

Burro patrol on the job

The Park Ranger Team has worked to create the Burro Patrollers, a group of teens with adult leaders who volunteer for Jeffco Open Space. Burro Patrol conducts service-based projects and also assists at various trail courtesy popups. So far this year they have helped with trash pick-up, trimming emergency access routes, removal of trees over trails, and assisting the Natural Resources team in deployment of research traps. Be on the lookout for burros on your favorite trails.



Fall Stewardship Webinar Series

Thistle & mullein patch

Jeffco Invasive Species Management and CSU Extension (Boulder, Jeffco, and Larimer Counties) are hosting a four week speaker series from September 15 through October 6. Register here for talks that will educate and inform property owners about land stewardship for small acreages and the latest trends. The talks are geared for owners of 2-10+ acres but all are welcome.  Sessions will be held virtually from 6:00–7:30 pm.


Help Reduce Wildfire Danger with SLASH

SLASH collection site


Protect your home and community from wildfire by creating defensible space around your home to reduce the risk of total devastation by wildfire! Jeffco SLASH will be operational every weekend through the end of October, at various locations around the county, from 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Bring your tree debris to Jeffco SLASH on weekends during the months of September and October.


National Public Lands Day Brought Out JCOS Volunteers

National Public Cleanup Days at Clear Creek


Saturday, September 25th, was National Public Lands Day along Clear Creek Trail near the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. Jeffco Open Space Volunteers swarmed to help with trash cleanup, vegetation trimming, noxious weed removal, planting and seeding, beaver tree painting, gold panning mitigation, and graffiti removal in the Golden Cliffs climbing area. They ended the day with a celebration at Anderson Park, with free food and fun.  This event happens every year, so if you missed it this year, mark your calendars for next year’s event, Saturday, September 24, 2022!



Historic Building Visit

National Historic sites field trip

Architectural historians from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) came to see historic buildings at Hiwan, Pine Valley, Reynolds, Beaver Ranch, and Meyer Ranch Parks this month. The Midway/Meyer House and the Hiwan Museum are already listed in the National Register of Historic Places, while the Baehrden Lodge is listed in the State Register of Historic Properties. These designations can provide opportunities for grants and other incentives for preservation and education.





Reminder: the Jeffco Bike Plan

Jeffco bike plan

Jeffco Transportation and Engineering is in the process of updating the Bicycle Plan for the county, focusing on unincorporated Jeffco and linking to Open Space or other popular destinations. Please let them know what you think:   More info on the Jeffco Bike Plan Update


Reminder: Prepping for Snow Removal

Snow plows readying at Open Space

September is Snow Removal Preparedness Month. The Park Services, Rangers, and Trails Teams commit to keeping the Open Space trailheads, facilities, and paved trails accessible and safe during snowy weather, and what an amazing job the do! When it snows two inches or more, JCOS deploys eight plow routes with shovel teams to complete snow removal activities at 53 trailhead, trail, and bikeway locations. This consists of 2,810,880 square feet of surface covered by plowing and 92,731 square feet of surface covered by hand shoveling. This is comparable in size and scope to 10 of our Courts and Administration buildings (TAJ). Crown Hill Park alone makes up almost 1/10th of our total snow removal operations. Snow removal occurs seven days a week and often takes reaching out to additional field staff/teams for support during heavier snow events. To assist with this effort, field staff not typically assigned can receive training to help cover these events. Do your part, give these people a chance to remove the snow before heading out to the Parks, Know Before You Go,


Photo of the Month

Every summer the Natural Resources Team assists Colorado Parks & Wildlife with the bighorn sheep survey in Clear Creek Canyon Park. This year the sheep did not disappoint! The team saw a total of 20 individuals throughout the canyon, including a large group of rams near Tunnel 1 and a group of ewes and yearlings just north of the Big Easy Trailhead. This monitoring not only provides a seasonal estimation of individuals and important age group and sex ratios, but it’s also a great opportunity to help our state wildlife agency and be a partner in conservation. Photo by Natural Resource Specialist, Michelle Desrosiers.

Now that autumn is upon us, Miss Mountain Manners wants to remind all Park Visitors to recreate responsibly. Be prepared. At any time, snow can fly and the trails can get icy, especially at the higher elevations. Make sure you check for trail conditions and closures before heading out, and pack for any type of weather. Don’t forget water; it’s easy to get dehydrated and disoriented at elevation.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Conservation Smart Brief 9/23/2021

PLAN Jeffco started with an idea that open spaces are vitally important to the health and welfare of all, and since 1972 has been building on that idea. Time brings change, and so PLAN Jeffco has had to consistently adjust as change occurs. 

PLAN Jeffco tries to keep its thumb on the pulse of the conservation community. Every month, as part of our regular Board meetings, there’s a “President’s Report”, which records the activities of various conservation groups that PLAN Jeffco feels are community leaders. We’ve decided to share as much of this information with you, dear reader, as we can, so that you can understand where we’re going, and why.

Aspen Grove in autumn_PeterMorales

Aspen Grove in Autumn, photo courtesy of Peter Morales, PLAN Jeffco Co-President

Conservation Smart Brief, September 23, 2021:

Recently posted to our website:

Jeffco Open Space News & Events

Sept 25th (Saturday), National Public Lands Day Volunteer Project  Spend the day giving back to your public lands by volunteering with Jeffco Open Space  and The City of Wheat Ridge to clean up Clear Creek and Peaks to Plains Trails. Join us along Clear Creek Trail near the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt to help with trash cleanup, vegetation trimming, noxious weed removal, planting and seeding, beaver tree painting, gold panning mitigation, and graffiti removal in the Golden Cliffs climbing area. End the day with a celebration at Anderson Park, FREE FOOD & FUN!

 Sept 25th (Saturday), Fall Colors  Enjoy a late afternoon walk with a Native Plant Master along easy trails. Discover the importance of our native plants to wildlife and humans while strolling through fall colors. Geared for ages 13+.

Oct 7th (Thursday) Open Space Advisory Committee Meeting

Parks & Trails Current AlertsKnow before you go!

Jeffco Fairgrounds

COVID-19 Testing  September 22-25, and 27-30, 7AM – 5PM @ Campground   More Details

JCPH Vaccine Clinic  September 22, 23, 29, 30, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ Parking Lot – Rodeo Arena  More Details

Safety in Faith Summit  September 23, 2021, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ Exhibit Halls 1, 2, 3, North & South Kitchen, More Details

Transportation & Construction GIRL Day  September 28, 2021, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM @ Exhibit Halls and Parking Lots

Colorado Open Lands,, Follow on Facebook

Posted September 14th on FB: These moose [mom and twins] were spotted this weekend at Kenosha Pass! As you embark on your leaf-peeping trips this autumn, keep in mind that much of the expansive view into the valley floor from the top of Kenosha Pass is preserved forever with land conservation work by COL!

Posted September 13th on FB: TL Bar Ranch conserved in perpetuity. The 9,111-acre TL Bar Ranch property is located in San Miguel County, about 18 miles northwest of Telluride and 8 miles south of Norwood. This productive agricultural ranch includes sagebrush rangelands, irrigated meadows, aspen and pine forests, and also includes over four miles of local creek frontage. The scenic values are phenomenal, heightened by the abutting U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands and conserved private property. … Homesteaded as early as 1894, the ranch has been a productive commercial livestock operation since that time. From the 1920s under her passing in 1979, much of the ranch was owned by Marie Scott, as part of her 100,000-acre ranch operation stretching from Ridgway to Utah. This project was completed in partnership with Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Event: For Love Of The Land, Thursday evening 10/14/21.  Location: Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Keynote Speaker will be Kirk Johnson, Sant Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and former VP/Chief Curator of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. For more information and ticket purchase go to


Mountain Area Land Trust,, Follow on Facebook

Posted 9/08/21:  Job Opening – Stewardship Director. The Stewardship Director will coordinate the management of MALT’s four Fee Title Properties. In addition, the Director will coordinate and direct all stewardship activities for the 80 plus conservation easements held by MALT and assist the Land and Water Conservation Director with the development of conservation easements and public projects. Details and how to apply,


Keep It Colorado, Member Matters Newsletter, August 12, 2021 (members-only news & updates)

Report published August 2021: This month Keep It Colorado and the Land Trust Alliance published a study about a pilot initiative Keep It Colorado launched last year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study outlines in-depth 12 land trusts’ use of remote sensing technologies, such as satellite imagery, to remotely monitor properties as an alternative to in-person monitoring in 2020. Through focus groups, surveys and interviews with the participating land trusts, we discovered that by and large, remote technologies help reduce the costs, personnel hours and carbon emissions typically associated with observing and documenting changes to conserved landscapes. We were thrilled to be able to offer this pilot program to our members. Many thanks to Great Outdoors Colorado and the Gates Family Foundation for generously funding Keep It Colorado’s regrant program – which enabled us to offer $205,000 in grants to our land trusts!

2021 summer regional meetings: Coming together for conservation: As we mentioned in last month’s The Source, this summer Keep It Colorado staff have had the tremendous opportunity to travel around the state to convene with our members face-to-face. These regional meetings were packed with conversation, learning and sharing, as well as some social time and visits to conservation projects. We capped off the regional meeting season with a virtual gathering for those who were unable to travel. In all, 86 individuals attended, representing 30 of our member organizations from across the state. We had the distinct pleasure of welcoming GOCO’s new regional officers to these meetings as well – thanks for your ongoing support, GOCO!

PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Our coalition members conserve and steward thousands of acres of land across the state. Each month we’ll celebrate this work by featuring 1-2 completed projects.

Slumgullion Center: At the toe of an earthflow

Working in partnership, Colorado Open Lands (COL) and the Lake Fork Valley Conservancy (LFVC), have permanently protected the Slumgullion Center property in Hinsdale County, between Lake San Cristobal and Lake City. This 58-acre property owned by LFVC comprises the toe of the Slumgullion Earthflow, an active landslide that moves as fast as seven meters per year on the most active portions. It’s been slowly flowing down the mountainside for twelve hundred years! The unique name, “Slumgullion,” comes from miners that used to live in the area. They said that the distinctive colors in the rocky debris looked just like the stews they fed themselves, which contained anything and everything they had in the kitchen at any one time.

Event October 13th: Fall Policy Summit in partnership with Colorado Open Space Alliance (COSA)’s annual conference in Vail, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado. The Keep It Colorado policy summit will be on Day 3 of COSA, Wed. Oct. 13. Note that we’re currently planning this event to be in-person, and will also be offering the option to attend virtually. As COVID infections continue to surge, we recognize a need to stay flexible, so will be closely monitoring state and local guidelines around vaccinations, masks and social distancing, and will be prepared to make adjustments as needed over the coming months. In the meantime, we hope you’ll plan to attend this important annual convening!

Land Trust Alliance,,  Follow on Facebook

Land Trust Alliance’s annual Rally conference is taking place virtually again this year, Oct. 5-7. Below are just a few planned topics. Learn more and register at

  • Through the Looking Glass and Back with Syndicated Conservation Easements: Halting Abuse and Managing the Ugly Legacy | Speakers: Jessica Jay, Conservation Law, P.C.; Cheryl Cufre, Colorado Open Lands; Melissa Daruna, Keep It Colorado; Erik Glenn, Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust.
  • What is so Special about Grasslands and How Can Carbon Offsets Help Protect Them? | Speakers: Kelly Watkinson, Land Trust Alliance; Nicole Rosmarino, Southern Plains Land Trust; Kyler Sherry, The Climate Trust.
  • Divide and Conserve? Preventing Multiple Ownership of Conservation Easement Property | Speakers: Tiffany Edwards, Peninsula Open Space Trust; Tamara Galanter, Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP; Joel Nystrom, Colorado Open Lands

AVLT Closes on Purchase of 141-acre Coffman Ranch near Carbondale, Pitkin County to hold the conservation easement. (8/31/2021, The Aspen Times) The Coffman Ranch is located 1.5 miles east of Carbondale, along the Roaring Fork River. Rex and Jo Coffman have owned the ranch since the 1950s. Now in their 90s, they agreed to transfer the ranch to the Aspen Valley Land Trust, with life rights to stay in residence. Funding support came from Great Outdoors Colorado, Pitkin County, Garfield County, the town of Carbondale, River Valley Ranch’s Open Space Fund (held by AVLT) and numerous individual contributions. AVLT is launching a $7M public capital campaign, funds to be used over the next few years to invest in land management, restoration, regenerative agriculture, public access, and outdoor education – space for local schools and nonprofits to teach about ranching and conservation, as well as quiet open space close to town for the public to use. The ranch will become a permanent home for the nonprofit organization.

Maintaining a united front in Congress: Partnership for Conservation, a group also known as P4C, has hired public relations firms to recruit conservationists to work in opposition to the Charitable Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act, legislation pending in Congress that is strongly endorsed by the Land Trust Alliance. This critical legislation would effectively halt abuse of the federal conservation easement tax incentive and may be considered by Congress in the coming weeks.  Partnership for Conservation may appear to have a name and goals that are compatible with our community. However, its federal policy agenda is at odds with that of the Alliance and our members. If you have been or are approached by P4C or someone representing P4C interests, please immediately email We all have a role to play in protecting the integrity of this important conservation program.


Bird Conservancy of the Rockies,,   Follow on Facebook                                     

Barr Lake State Park banding station: Visit our Bird Banding Station for an up close and personal experience with birds! You will have a unique opportunity to experience science in action and observe a wildlife biologist banding and collecting important scientific data on live, migrating birds. You will also learn about specialized bird adaptations and behavior, annual migration, crucial habitat requirements, and key conservation issues. Bird banding data increases our knowledge and understanding of birds and is often utilized in management and conservation projects! The Banding Station is open from August 28th – October 23rd, 2021 and one hour programs are available Tuesdays – Fridays from 7:30-8:30a, and Saturday-Sunday from 8-9a, 9-10a, and 10-11a (closed Mondays). Registration is required for all timeslots and is $6/participant. Click Here To Register


Jefferson County – Sustainability Commission


Jefferson County – COVID-19 Updates

Denver – Park Hill Golf Course and Growth


 Gross Reservoir Lawsuit

Highlander Monthly September 2021: Gross Dam Expansion Update – Last September (2020), Denver Water submitted an Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) application to Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting (CPP) for its Gross Reservoir Expansion project. Since that time, CPP requested additional information from Denver Water. On June 29, 2021, the CPP Director acknowledged Denver Water’s intent to not provide additional requested information, and determined the 1041 review will move to public hearings. Denver Water filed a lawsuit against the county in July 2021. The lawsuit alleges that the county does not have the authority to regulate the project because the project requires a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Because of the lawsuit, on July 26, Denver Water’s attorney requested that the CPP Director place the 1041 application on hold, and CPP Director Dale Case granted the request the next day, July 27. Consequently, public hearings that were set for August and September have been canceled.


Climate Change Articles of Interest

Denver Post, Sunday 9/19/2021 – From Western Slope to Eastern Plains, Colorado agriculture under pressure to adapt to warming world. Cutbacks in herd size, irrigation, wildfires, dried-up ponds: Farmers, ranchers experiencing the impacts of climate change.


Slash Collection Calendar

SLASH Collection: September 25-26 @ Jeffco Shaffer’s Crossing Road & Bridge Shop

SLASH Collection: October 2-3 @ Beaver Ranch Park

SLASH Collection: October 9-10 @ Beaver Ranch Park

SLASH Collection: October 16-17 @ Mount Vernon Country Club

SLASH Collection: October 23-24 @ Jeffco South Road & Bridge Shop

SLASH Collection: October 30-31 @ Thunder Valley


RSS Feeds

The following conservation organizations now have RSS feeds at the bottom of each of our own PLANJeffco web pages, so you can follow their postings at any time…

Douglas Land Conservancy,

Land Trust Alliance,

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies,  


And there you have it. This is part of what we do, who we follow, what we’re interested in, because Conservation just doesn’t happen by itself…it takes a community to make it work. And as always, stay well, stay safe, be conservation-minded at all times.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco