Study Session
Field trip to South Valley was cancelled.
Regular Meeting
Matt Robbins and Mary Ann Bonnell presented a brief review of the Statewide Comprehensive Recreation Plan. Staff are using the Plan to compare priorities with items in the JCOS planning processes.
Tom Hoby and Janet Shangraw presented items for consideration to include in OSAC’s presentation with the County Commissioners later in the month.
Drew Rayburn discussed Open Spaces forest management in the past, what is being done now, and what needs to be done. The Evergreen area, where JCOS has a lot of acres, is considered one of the highest wildfire hazard areas in the United States. In the past Open Space has nibbled at forest management. Last year and this year significant programs have been launched at Beaver Ranch and Flying J. Future budgets will have a line item for forest management.
OSAC approved Open Space paying $250,000 of the $850,000 cost of a property adjacent to the Buchanan Park in Evergreen. The balance of the cost is being paid by the district and a grant from Great Outdoors Colorado.