Study Session

The study session was at the Lookout Mountain Nature Center; OSAC members were able to review the physical changes to the Center. The number of island exhibits was reduced from 3 to 2 and the two were significantly refurbished. A number of stubby wall partitions were removed as was the large, crawl-on couch. The space is much more open and lighter. A contribution through the Jeffco Outdoors Foundation covered the costs of installing a facility-wide audio visual system. Another change is that all the staff at the Nature Center are qualified rangers.

Regular Meeting

Tom Hoby told OSAC about plans to have traveling study sessions during the summer. These would include trips to Flying J, Elk Meadow, and Windy Saddle.

Gina Barton reported that staff had reviewed the latest surveys and Master Plans of the cities and districts. All confirmed that resident desires were for more open space and more trails. These desires match the philosophy of changes to the acquisition and local grant proposals made by staff in April. Requests for acquisitions can be made at any time, once the final terms have been reached. Development grants will be submitted in January for funding in the following year. The amount available for the grants will be determined during the JCOS normal budgeting cycle.

The countywide trails map that is being prepared indicates that in the plains, 84% of the residents are within a 10-minute walk of a trail or park. In the mountains, 74% of the residents are within 3 miles of a trail or park (less than a 10-minute drive).